
What could I give my son so he does not get too sick. ?

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It is my son's first day at his second daycare. I pulled him out 6 months ago and I was at home with him. I started a new job so I had to put him back in daycare. I noticed that at his first daycare he was always sick. He was around 13-17 months then. Now he will be two in October. Is there anything natural or herbal my son can take so he doe not get as sick as he used too. I was thinking cod liver oil but was not sure. any suggestions




  1. I would not give him anything herbal as the previous comment mentioned you don't know what they have or how potentially dangerous they could be on an adult let alone a child.  I would just give your son some daily vitamins.  Some form of chewable with some extra vitamin C.  It is quite natural for kids to be sick more often once they start going to daycare or school.  Start teaching him now to wash his hands after going to the restroom EVERY single time, before eating and after playing.  This will help to keep down the possibilities of catching a virus.  I make sure my son washes his hands when he gets home from day care as well.  Especially if they are going to be eating because that is how the virus is introduced into the body, if you've touched something or someone with the virus and you then touch your mouth.  That is how it enters.  Washing his hands will cut down.  

  2. Multi-Vitamin and chewable vitamin c

  3. PLEASE don't give your child anything until you speak with a medical doctor.  Sometimes those herbal and "natural" remedies can be just as dangerous as a prescription drug, especially on a young child.

  4. You can learn to treat his health problems with self-help homeopathy. A good home care book is Homeopathic Medicine at Home by Maesimund Panos, M.D. and Jane Heimlich. If you can afford two, Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines by Dana Ullman is complementary to the first.

    Once you treat common colds, flus, teething problems, diarrheas, etc. with homeopathy, your son's constitution will strengthen. The families who use homeopathy, whose children are in daycare, theirs are the children that do not get sick despite little epidemics. Even non-believing grandmas have noticed the difference in grandchildren treated with homeopathy, and those treated with conventional medicine alone.

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