
What could I keep in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm exo terra tank?

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I know this has been asked before but there weren't many answers...So what could live happily until adulthood in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm tank? Preferably some sort of turtle/lizard/frog/toad, maybe something random like mud-skippers. I'm not too keen on spiders or snakes. Suggestions?




  1. OK mrs SCP Wood 1 leopard gecko needs a minimum of 2 foot by 1 foot and 2 need a 3 foot by 1.5 foot so i have no idea why u suggested them the enclosure is clearly way way to small.

    the 30cm cubes are designed for inverts such as spiders and scopions and are too small to house any sort of reptile.

    some smaller newts (1-2) or very small toad (like 1-2 fire belly toads) maybe but i would suggest something bigger  

  2. i would say sell the terrarium to me  

  3. I'd say a couple leopard geckos. They're SO cute and very interesting to watch. Your enclosure is way too small for what I was going to suggest (bearded dragon), but geckos are my 2nd favorite reptile. It's fun to watch them climb all over the glass and branches and stuff...not to mention they have baby faces. =D

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