
What could I keep in an exo terra 12x12x12 for its whole life? House Gecko? Marble Gecko? Anole? Treefrog?

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What could I keep in an exo terra 12x12x12 for its whole life? House Gecko? Marble Gecko? Anole? Treefrog?




  1. Don't listen to the person who said a crested gecko.  (That is only 7 gallons, a crested gecko needs 20+.)  You could keep:

    1. 1 White's Tree Frog

    2. 2 Viper Geckos

    3. 1 Green Anole

    4. 2 Bahama Anole

    5. 2 House Geckos

    6. 1 Central Banded Gecko

    7. 2 Red Eyed Tree Frogs

    8. 1 Kenyan Sand Boa

    I think you'll find something you like from that list. :D

  2. actually pretty much all of the suggested species aren't suitable for a 12inch cube. these cubes were designed for use with inverts (spiders scrops etc) its way too small for all geckos (arboreal or terrestrial) anoles (they need more height) and most frogs (as again u need more height). u might be able to get away with one of the smaller newt species or maybe a tiny species of dartfrog but nothing else

  3. you could keep a crested gecko they only get about five inches.

    here is my way to care for them:

    diet: crickets, meal worms, super worms, and wax worms(with calcium powder).

    heating:warm side 78 degrees F - 82 degree F cool side

    73 - 78 degrees F to achieve this basking bulbs and ceramic heat emitters.

    substrate: a substate that holds humidity well (ex: bed-a-beast)

    humidity and water needs: they should have a water bowl big enough for them to get in completely and humidity should be around 70%

    some words on this species: do not use red lights at night or under tank heaters because they are arboreal they are real jumpy to

    have good luck finding your new pet.

  4. all of those reptiles and amphibians are small enough and wont get big enough to run out of room. I wouldnt suggest anything bigger. Remember with the frog to have some H2O to be in.

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