
What could I make with these items?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking around my kitchen last night, seeing what I had to use to make a treat. I have a 9 year old boy, and a very picky fiance, lol, and I was looking to make them something with the fruits that I've got around. Some of it needs to be used quickly, before it goes bad. I have apples, bananas, grapes and strawberries. Enough of each to make something.

Could anyone give me ideas of what I could do with them, that both of them would like? I don't want too much junk in it, but I want it to be tasty enough they will eat it.

Thanks for any help!




  1. furit salad with sugar ontop

  2. Banana/apple bread, which you can freeze and eat this winter if you like.

    The grapes and strawberries are more for fruit smoothies?  Little boy will like that, or freeze a grape in each ice cube for a fun juice treat for him.  :)  Can you tell I have kids?  

  3. French toast topped with any one of them (except the grapes) would be a nice treat!

    You could get thick french bread slices, make pocket tin the middle and stuff with  a cream cheese filling before you dip in the egg, fry then top with the cut fruit.

    Or Fruit salad

  4. The apples and grapes would go well in a jello--if you have some around. The strawberries and bananas would make a good smoothie if you have plain or vanilla yogurt and a blender.

    Get creative! Good luck :-))


  6. put them all in a blender and add a bottle of vodka

  7. Okay, i can not cook at all so the only thing that comes up is a fruit salad o:] oh yea this is what i do when i cant find nothing to eat but fruits:

    okay you can give them or make the following:

    1. straberries with a lil sugar.

    2. Bananas with syrup lol (i like it).

    or cut the bananas in half  and dipp them into chocolate and freez them its good, its a spanish thing called "choco-bananas"

    3. Apples with salt and lemmon (diced the apples)

    4. Grapes, ehh just as grapes lol :]

    5. also you can make a lettuce salad and put apples with what ever else you want :]

  8. Fruit salad you can combine pieces of the fruit with a vanilla yogurt, whip cream combo. Or a fruit pizza...bake sugar cookie dough on a pizza tin and cool, after cool spread vanilla yogurt and put fruit pieces on  

  9. Banana bread is always a hit at my house

    Strawberries and Cool Whip or get some shortcakes has a great apple dumpling recipe.  It is by no means healthy but I  made it the other night and my husband flipped over them.....

    You can always dice the banana and even apples in with cereal

    Apple spice cake

    You can dip the bananas in melted chocolate and freeze

    Fruit smoothies

    You can eat any of them sliced up in yogurt.

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