
What could I possibley learn at the age of 30 and beyond?

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It seems that anything of importance is already understood...




  1. I'm 31 years old. I'm learning Latin, still learning philosophy, still learning about nature ( - AWESOME site), still learning about how to relate to and serve the rest of the family of man here on the earth. You're never so old that you have sufficient understanding. You need to re-open your mind and your heart.

    Jesus said that you have to become like a child again. In fact, you are now, and always will be, a child. We humans don't live very long. If you believe that the characters at the beginning of the Bible really lived to be anywhere from 400 to almost 1000 years old, then you can imagine their perspective of our lifespans - "They all die so young!" And you, at 30 years, are most certainly young.

    My great aunt Alma has been living her life, and lucidly living it, for  more than 60 years beyond her first 30. I doubt she would say, "Well, I decided in 1945 that I pretty much had it down, so I haven't tried to learn, nor have I learned, anything since then."

    Wake up. There is more out there to learn than you will ever be able to concieve of. Be of good courage and good hope, because the LORD has given you an inexhaustible source of learning and growing. It is your Life. What will you do with it? You hear a lot of people asking God, "Who am I? Why am I here?" I think that God's giving us life is His way of asking us, openly and receptively, "So, tell me. Who are you?"

  2. Every generation has made that mistake - there is plenty to learn after 30 - there are many things you won't understand thoroughly until you get control of your ego's perception that you know it all.  (not intended as a negative, it just works that way for all of us)...

  3. don,t believe it ,there is so much you could learn and will never learn if you live to be 100 you will never know 10% of what you could .

  4. you might want to learn why you believe this to be true.  personally, I believe when I stop learning about myself and the world, I must be dead.

    A Zen story:

    "The Japanese master Nan-in gave audience to a professor of philosophy.  Serving tea, Nan-in filled his visitor's cup, and kept pouring.  The professor watched the overflow until he could restrain himself no longer:  Stop!  The cup is overfull, no more will go in.  Nan-in said:

    Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations.  How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?"

  5. Believe me; you do not know everything of importance under the age of 30.   And you don't know it at the age of 100 either.

  6. how to live a life.

  7. It's just that you understand everything that you know about, so it seems to you like you understand everything.

    I felt like I understood everything when I was 15,20,30, but the older I got the less convinced I was.

    Do you understand how to fix your car? How to remodel your kitchen? If those relatively simple things are beyond us, why would we think we understand the more esoteric things?

  8. I did not become a nurse till I was 30. For the next 32 years I have continued learning. You can learn caring, compassion,. Their is not any thing you can not learn after 30 if you want to.

  9. I will turn 30 next month and, as with every year, look forward to learning new things the coming year! No stop to learning, ever!

  10. What I learned before age 30 was academics.  What I've learned since age 30 is life.  Though it may seem most of your knowledge is already established as a younger person, wisdom, maturity, how it all fits together and what is really important are things you don't know until time has passed.  It's like graduating from a 100 piece puzzle to a 5,000 piece puzzle.  The pieces get smaller but it all eventually fits together.  You can't see the big picture until it's done.

  11. You definitely will learn that there is more important things to learn. if your an introverted shut-in maybe not but i doubt it.  all of man's experiences and understandings could not fit in a million books nor can anyone understand the importance of understanding  even the seemingly unimportant things (what is unimportant to you might be important to someone else like a love one; than what?)

    Please understand this: Knowledge and understanding are two different things. knowledge is what you know and understanding is the intelligent confirmation that you understand what you know.

    hope you understand what i mean.

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