
What could I spray on my TOMATO PLANTS or on the tomatoes to prevent SQUIRRELS from HARVESTING them ?

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Every year, just as the tomatoes are beginning to ripen, the squirrels strip them from the vines, and carry them away. How can I prevent this?

I am hoping I can somehow make them un-desirable to squirrels, by spraying something on them.

Can you help ??





  1. Go to a hair salon and ask for the hair that they sweep up. Spread it around your garden and the squirrels will smell humans and stay away!

  2. Mix 2 tablespoons of crushed red pepper with 1 cup of liquid soap into a gallon of water and spray in the morning and evening. It will also keep worms,grasshoppers, and many other garden pests off of fruits and vegetables.

  3. Hopefully they are going after the red tomatoes or the tomatoes that are starting to turn red. If your tomatoes are starting to turn red at all they can be picked and brought inside. They will continue to ripen properly off the plant.

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