
What could I sustitute for Chlorine?

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I have a small pool in my backyard and i don't what to buy Chlorine because it is pretty expensive.Plus it won't be worth it cuz I have a small pool. Can someone give me a suggestion. PLEASE




  1. Small pool or large pool needs chlorine. There is no sub for chlorine. There are cheaper ways to get chlorine, but get chlorine.

  2. Chlorine pucks are the best all around. You can use less chlorine by using sea salt (pool salt or aquarium salt if you feel rich), but salt water pools still use SOME chlorine. If you really don't care about much you can fill it and dump the water each time you use it but that would be ridiculous.

    Buying the chlorine is worth it compare to a algae filled bacteria sess pool, literally.

  3. I would try a baking soda and distilled white vinegar.

  4. DURRRRR to all these people that say there is no substitute for chlorine THERE IS.  I used to work at a HUGE CHEMICAL COMPANY HERE IN VA and the real name for chlorine is Sodium Hypochloride.

    Please note that on this MSDS sheet from BASF, a huge manufacturer, that it says that sodium hypochloride is used in swimming pools.  Therefore for all you people that are buying this stuff from a pool supplier you are making a huge mistake because your local CHEMICAL COMPANY SUPPLIES THIS STUFF TO THE POOL SUPPLIERS.  GO DIRECTLY TO THE SOURCE AND FIND A CHEMICAL SUPPLIER IN YOUR AREA.  IF I KNEW WHERE YOU WERE I WOULD GIVE YOU A FEW.

    The link above lists all the suppliers of Sodium Hypochloride in the United States.

  5. as far as i've used, chlorine is the cheapest.  

    you can use bromide but despite it's gentleness to your skin, it'll cost waaaay more.

  6. Well you can buy the chlorine pucks, or bromine pucks. You can buy liquid chlorine shocker for like 10 bucks and use concentrated amounts of that at night before you go to bed. Don't go stingey on the chlorine, an unclean pool is nasty. Don't use bleach in it either, some people might tell you that is a substitute, but it doesn't work well and is expensive also.

  7. Regular chlorine  bleach is the same active ingredient as in

    HTH & other pool  the containers.

    The commercial stuff has stabilizers & buffers in it to help it last longer.

    I used it instead of  more expensive pool "shock"

    In a small pool it might be less expensive if used & tested more frequently & the PH levels are kept right.

    Maint crew in my old school used concentrated sodium hypochloride (ite) which is just ...chlorine bleach

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