
What could This be (Ghost)?

by  |  earlier

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This morning my mother walked in to my hall way and the door to my toilet opened by its self and she thought that it was my sister in there but as she got closer the person disapeared and she told me that the person was a mixture of my girlfriend and my sister it had my girlfrend hair and eyes and had my sisters nose and lips and was wearing all black and it was looking at my mum with a state face

but there was know one there when she went in to the toilet and there was know one down stiars sept me and my mother ?? dose any body know what this could be could it be a sign of some sort ?? thanks .




  1. There are things here that we do not know. Your mother may have imagined the appearance to be like your sister and girlfriend to subconciously rationalise what she was seeing.

    It is possible for a spirit to make use of a shadow and a twig to create an idea in one's mind

    A gust of wind can open a door but where does the gust come from? What causes it? Most spirits are not malevolent.

    Teenage girls can have certain powers. Whether the powers come from the girl or from a spirit attached to the girl is not known. The girl has no control over the powers,

    Please ignore all the idiots with their drug-clouded minds

  2. Yes. I go for the drugs thing.

    This is far more likely than some kind of 'paranormal' apparition.

  3. I'd have to say that your mom was still in a dream state.

    Especially if she saw a face with two common denominators.....your friend and your sister.

    And then again, if your mom was exhausted, she may have seen a reflection of herself in the mirror and mistook it to be someone else.

    You could always research the history on the property; former owners, if the home had been built on land that was bombed during WWII, etc.

  4. It could be a sign that.................your mother is taking drugs.

  5. It could be a sign that.................your mother is taking drugs.


    It could be a sign that.................your mother is taking drugs.


    It could be a sign that.................your mother is taking drugs.

    or you are

  6. Hmm, it could be a ghost.

    Or, it could be a lot of other things. I'd have to get to know your mom to find out.

  7. I'm not going to say that your mother is taking drugs.

    If we neglect the possibility your mum playing a joke on you, I think this is simply a sign that she was not fully awake. The vast majority of ghost sightings reported here on Yahoo occur while falling to sleep, while asleep, or while waking up. This is no coincidence, and the common factor here is sleep and the semi-conscious brain. Your mother's account fits the pattern.

  8. It is very likely that its a ghost, everyone who is too immature to accept this is just scared of ghosts.

    There are many reasons as to why it may look like your girlfreind and your sister, mainly because she thinks very highly of them, and loves them loads. But the fact that it was wearing black is the bad thing... Black (as im sure you will know) is a sign of mourning. =[

    But nothing should happen =]

    It may be that your mum hasnt been getting enough sleep? and so is starting to see things? Im not saying shes crazy, because a good nights rest will do this some good. =)

    good luck with finding out what it actually is, and if you want some more ideas as to what it is, just add it in the more info bit, and i will add more info to my post =)

  9. EITHER your mother saw a ghost, and all the science that we know is wrong from beginning to end

    OR your mother was confusing what she saw at the beginning of the day with what she had been seeing in her thoughts or dreams (people often do this, especially when stressed or tired).

    Which is more likely?  You choose. But I would hazard this much advice:

    The real world is demanding enough as it is, without adding any ghostly burdens to it.

  10. You're mom is playing a joke.Sounds like she may have had a dream.A door can open by itself for many reasons.Even opening a window in another part of the house can cause a pressure change.

  11. What I would advise you and your mom to do it is to have a group come in and check your house out if you are comfortable with that.  They would be more suited to separate the normal from the paranormal for you.

    Never mind those who would make unfound judgements concerning your families lifestyle.  That is not only cruel but not very orginial considering the copycats.  When you ask a question here in an open forum, you get all sorts of answers.  It is up to you to sift through them and know which ones are sincere with answers to help you.

    Best of luck to you and your family.

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