
What could YOU not recycle this week?

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Angie we're not sisters are we?




  1. I can't think of anything that is recyclable that I haven't recycled.

    Paper/cardboard, tins, plastic and glass all get done. I'm trying not to buy anything that comes in non-recyclable/re usable packaging, it's tough though, but if every one did this manufactures would have to take notice and start using only recycled, recyclable/reusable packaging.

    * CAROT, get yourself one of these they are a blessing when you don't have a garden:

    It's a kitchen composter, they're called Bokashi Units and come in a twin pack at £25.

    *DOUG, tetra paks ARE recyclable check this site for info:

    Some places across the country are doing it already and some will be soon ; )

    Blessed be. x

  2. There is very little that can not be recycled.

    The point is that many people who wish to recycle, do not have the proper resources at their disposal or know how to recycle.

    Since I have my own property, and a couple of dogs to help, I have no problem with recycling nearly everything.

    Since I detest waste of any kind, everything gets recycled one way or another.

    Most of what goes in my compost bins(which I built from recycled pallets themselves) is mainly onion peels, tomato tops, etc... Sometimes i throw some cardboard and old newspapers in as well.(The earthworms love it!)

    Many people do not have this convenience because they are living in apartments or flats in an urban environment.

    I do save my plastic bags and keep them in one or two other plastic bags for future use. I have given several hundred to our local greengrocer for their re-use in the past.

    When I have more than I can use or give away, they get burnt in my solid fuel boiler along with the coal or wood that I am burning at the time to help heat my house.

    Just because your local council or recycling center  doesn't recycle cardboard, you do not have to feel like you are causing any damage to the environment. Once it reaches the landfill site it will soon decompose anyway.

    I applaud anyone who attempts to recycle as much as they can and whenever they can. But only because it wastes much less energy to produces a new item from most recycled products than it does to produce it from the natural ore!

    Also in smaller counties like Great Britain there isn't the space for new landfill sites.(At least it wouldn't be cost effective to do so).

    In the big picture it really doesn't matter much whether you choose to recycle or not in some ways, other than to cut down on the growing number of landfill sites, that will be required.

    I will say that it really boggles my mind how much waste our society actually produces. Also what is thrown out for no good reason.

    I have gone for three years with only discarding 3 black plastic garbage bags.(probably half of that was because my wife was expecting visitors and wasn't willing to wait for me to finish sorting everything out.)

    Yet I see many people discarding twice as much each week!

    A few years ago I was working as a handyman/caretaker for a gentleman who had me take out his garbage every day before I left work.

    Every week he would go through his fridge and freezer to check the 'Use By Dates' and discard everything that was even one day out!

    The amount of stuff I took home during that period of time (steaks, roast beef, bread, pastry etc...), to me was an added bonus. One time there was so much that we did not have to do any grocery shopping for several weeks!

    Another time was when he found some mouse droppings in a kitchen cupboard, and decided that everything had to go!

    This consisted mainly of canned foods like beans and soups, but also included washing powders,etc...!

    I had no problem with taking them home and putting them to good use.(mainly my stomach).(Not the washing powder!)

  3. my cell phone,computer,television,etc.

  4. concrete. i had to bury it as the landfill didn't want it. now i have 5 tons of topsoil on top my yard.

  5. plastics. i can't be bothered sepparating all the different plastics (because it is all plastic to me), so plastics go in the waste bin, and only glass and card get recycled :P

  6. Food waste & cardboard

  7. Everything our collectors have vanished for some reason.

  8. I could not recycle anything cos 95% of it goes to land fill anyway! and none of you fools think of the emmissions spent when collectiog it and processing it do you !!

    Until the technology improves its a big waste of time! But if it makes you feel good then im all for it.

    ps. thanx for encouraging them to tax us on waist

  9. That girl is stupid all you have to do is look at the number on all plastic things...the higher the number the harder it is to recycle, right?! I couldn't recycle the tires my dad takes off his old junk cars, so we had to burn's either that or throw them in a ditch somewhere! You know how much it costs to recycle tires? like 5 dollars a tire, and we have hundereds of them! but they are gone now!

  10. those silly polystyrene trays the supermarket package meat in. there was a deal on the lamb mince and i couldnt resist.

    they are too small to use as seed trays, non-recyclable here, and i really cant think of anything else to use them for.

  11. foodwatse and mixed plastic....the lady who said its all plastic to narrow minded. why not take a little time to find out wht plastic is recyled, why and where.

    if the council takes it i put it out, if they dont take it i try and not use that material or find somewhere else to take it.

    just a shame i dont have a garden then i could make compost

  12. Plastic trays, caps, and plastic baggies.

  13. A sofa. Do you want it? Collect by Friday though.

  14. Bloody Tetrapak juice cartons, considering how many they produce it's about time they made them recyclable.

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