
What could a convicted felon do to recieve a good paying job like everyone else?

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If a convicted felon can get their rights of an american citizen than why can't get that high paying job like people without a felony




  1. A felon's best bet for a good paying job that's legal is opening his own business in some kind of service or trade. Most felons usually do the minimum wage jobs, trucking, construction, and others as someone previously posted. If the felon is from another country and what he did here doesn't count as a felony where he came from, and few times it doesn't, going back where he came from may be a viable choice too if he has the money or connections.

  2. Like everyone else, it depends upon your education, training, and experience.  As an engineer, I got a job the very same year with a Fortune 100 company, was granted a federal Top Secret security clearance, went to the White House and Pentagon often, and was paid  $125K per year at that time.

  3. They must start at the bottom of the job totem pole.  The lowest job they can find, perhaps dishwasher at a restaurant, or something like this.  Then they have to prove themselves every day of being worthy of keeping this job, and after a time maybe they can take the next step up to a slightly better job, and then prove themselves all over again.  It will take a long time, but with hard work, and keeping their lives clean, sober, and without legal incidents, then one day they might have a well paying job.

    If you are looking for an instant great job for a convicted felon, forget it....they screwed up, and must start fresh.

  4. r1b1c - felons cannot work as security guards or private detectives because the license required for those jobs will not allow felons to obtain them.  

  5. I am a convict,  I started my own company.  Also, if you have skills and a lot of time has elapsed since the conviction, your chances get better at getting a job.  I do not think that people give others a chance.  I can understand being cautious, but if it has been 10 years and it was a DUI, you should give them a chance.

  6. Here is a list of various jobs that ex-felons can hold:

    Ebay seller



    any type of fast food-related job

    kitchen help in a restaurant

    apprentice for a job such as an electrician, masonry



    security guard

    private detective



    grocery stores

    Conway Trucking

    trucking companies

    pizza delivery

    greenhouse worker

    warehouse jobs






    day laborer

    work-at-home telemarketer



    nonprofit worker

    church jobs

    religious teacher

    drug and alcohol counselor

    private detective

    factory jobs

      -- even in management eventually

    volunteering/community service type of work

    help for small businesses

    temp agencies--

    for landscaping or anything

    Labor Ready

    recycling waste center

    trash pickup and trash center

    bounty hunter


    food prep and counter work at a deli


    apprentice in carpentry


    Salvation Army

    factoris and industrial work

    start your own business-- making something, selling something, providing a service


    --large companies will most likely not hire you; small businesses very well might

    --contact independent (not national) recruiters and ask what kinds of

    checks they do-- if they do local checks only, you're good

    --now's a great time to start your own business

    Further resources:

    Help in all 50 States from HIRE:

    National Transitional Jobs Network

    Safer Foundation

    Here are some previous Google Answers which provide information on the subject:

    "Felon Wants Military Career"

    "felony conviction career restrictions"


    Faqfarm Forums

    HIRE Network Letter to Target

    Open Society Institute Resource Listings

    Chicago Tribune article on Safer Foundation

    "Help a felon find employment!"

  7. Once a Felon they should not have the same rights as those who are Law abiding

  8. Ha Ha. *snort*

    Define "good paying job".  Apparently you learned that crime doesn't pay?

    Nobody really wants to hire a convicted felon.  By and large, they are not to be trusted and there is usually a lot of competition for high paying jobs.

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