We have 2 mobile homes, but own 1, the other is owned by a lady that rents the land from us (since it is on our property). We sent an eviction letter 2 months ago telling her she had to be out of the trailor we owned, by July 31, by midnight. So the lady that rents the land/ownes the trailor, moved out to a house and decied to let the lady we evicted live in her house. So basicly she is moving next door, not even 20 yards away. Monday we called, she didn't answer, but we told her that she needed to turn the keys in by July 31 night or the 1st of August. She texted back that she will need to the end of August and will get the keys back when she is done. This will not work, the electricity is being put in our names and we asked her 2 months ago to move out. We have told her no exceptions, she has no excuses. We have seen her out their playing horseshoes when she could have been moving. She also lives off the state (welfair) so she doesn't have a job and is able to work, she is just lazy. So with no job and 2 months to move out of a mobile home, next door, I do beleive that is enough time.
So my question is, what would a sheriff do if we called him out? We do not need her moved from the property since she is moving next door. We just want her out, so we can start fixing it up.
Could the sheriff make her get out of the house?