
What could be causing.....

by  |  earlier

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what could be causing white smoke to be burning from the exhaust pipe. it starts smoking when the car is started. and fades away, then when gas pedal is pressed, it starts again. it started the same day i put a higher octane fuel in my car (it is safe for the make/model). could that be causing the problem. could it be something other than a blown head gasket? v6 24valve programmed fuel injection engine.




  1. Well the white smoke coming from you tailpipe is burning coolant. It starts then fades away cause when you first start it you burn all that coolant that seeped in after you turned the car off last. It is definately a blown head gasket but I'm pretty sure the higher octane fuel had nothing to do w/ it. Just make sure you have plenty of coolant in your system until you can get it fixed.

  2. sounds like a blown head gasket id get it to a shop and have a professional do a block test on it

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