
What could be causing this for my cat?

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Hi -wave-

i'm a little upset about my cat,

he's going to turn 2 in two days ~Happy birthday Tango!~

anyways on to the problem, for the past maybe 3 day's he's been l*****g his bum, a little more then necessary too be cleaning, i'd say around 3 times every hour or more.

there doesn't really seem to be any sign of discomfort besides that.

i read something about swollen glands,and i was just wondering if this happened to anyone eles? and what might we be able to do?




  1. If you don't know how to express them yourself, I'd make a call to a vet to have them do it.

  2. sounds like a urinary tract infection or urinary stones, you NEED to get the cat to a vet ASAP, male cats can become blocked very quickly which can result in death in 2 days or less if they are not treated. I urge you to get your cat to the vet ASAP. many many male cats die horrible, painful deaths because of this because people don't know what to look for. vet ASAP

  3. Yeah they might do that for a "Bladder infection". My cat did that for about a week. We gave it some more than enough water to moderate and make up for what water she once lacked.  She's back to normal.

    Your cat may not be drinking enough, just watch how much it does drink and monitor it. Give you cat some soft Liquid Foods like salmon or an entre from a store.

    Or it could be constipated, i have had animals be hurt from such pain. My Guinea pig used to scream when it took a dump. I would just feed it fresh lettuce.  You may offer that to the cat, vegetables help with the pooping.

  4. im a vet tech. there can be many many diff things that could be going on with your cat. from urinary infections, to anal worm etc etc if you have any concerns please please go to the vet before it gets worse. trust me it saves you money if you treat it early! you dont want to be stuck with thousand dollar vet bill having to go to the emergency hosp. good luck!

  5. He could have worms.

    You could try some worming tablets or take him to the vet and get him properly checked over,although it is normal for cats to kick their bottoms haha mine do it all the time eww.

  6. Yeah, my cat's gland problems presented differently - she smelt like rotting meat & her a**s looked like it was oozing puss. Emergency to the vet - the glands were oozing and the ooz smells BAD. Since the glands were drained, no more lady stinky bottoms. It was not expensive either. I would visit the vet & start there, but glands are likely.

  7. are you sure it's his behind he's l*****g and not his groin area? it's unusual for a cat to l**k his rear end, that's usually something dogs do. check and see if he has any puss or blood. he may have just injured himself. in the past i've had a dog and cat with infected glands back there that eventually ruptured, drained and healed.

    if he's l*****g the groin area he may have a bladder infection. check to see if there is blood in the urine and check his stool for tapeworms (Or the furniture for that matter).

    Anyway, happy birthday, tango!

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