
What could be going on with my body?

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a long time now. Last depo was nov. 1st 2007... First period started june 30th ended july 4th. On Aug 7th had some blood a lil in the morning but nothing at night. just a lil when I wiped yesterday and today. What could be going on. Normally when I have my period I cramp real bad before and during and I have no cramping at all.




  1. First note that depo lasts 3 months; the effects here would have dwlindled away in late January. It often takes a while to start meses again after long term use with Depo. In addition, abnormal bleeding also typically occurs for several months. I would have my OBGYN test blood levels of your reproductive hormones, LH and FSH.

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