
What could be happening with a duck with egg laying irregularities?

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For the past two months, my 9 ducks have been producing 2 eggs a day. I'm pretty sure these are coming from the same two ducks but I'm not certain which. Occasionally a third egg shows up and sometimes it looks very weird. First time, the egg was 1/4 the normal size. Second and third time, it was not symmetrical; these were "curved" like a cresent. One of these had a weak shell and cracked while I cleaned it. It stank too. The latest one looks like a soft boiled egg without a shell. It holds it's egg shape but no shell.

I couldn't guess which duck is doing it. I haven't noticed any sick ones. If you have any pointers, please provide!!




  1. some could be males, and meles do not lay. also if you have any young ducks they just need some time to get into the swing of things. their first few eggs will come in all kinds of shapes

  2. Mutation, mayby.

  3. Based on your observations, I would say that you have two ducks laying regularly and one just starting to lay.  Soft shell and irregular eggs are not at all unusual for ducks or chickens just starting to lay.  After a while you will start seeing three eggs/day or I will miss my guess.

  4. The age of the ducks can contribute to irregularities.  Also an over abundance of protein can cause an egg to have a thin shell.  If the ducks have access to a large pond, they can obtain their calcium from eating snails.  Otherwise feed some free choice oyster shell.  If a bird has been injured, It can cause scar tissue build up in the egg forming area inside and cause some strange looking eggs with thin shells.  I would suspect that one or more of your ducks narrowly escaped a predator at one time.

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