
What could be happening with my laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I let a friend borrow my laptop for a couple days because his wouldnt play a game he got. He called me today and said that it wouldnt turn on, then when it did. it started running white text down the screen, and it said that he had to delete system restoration files or something. After he did this, it started working but really slow. Now the keyboard wont work. Im kinda freaking out because nothing was wrong with it when i let him borrow it, and it has anti-virus and andti-spyware programs on it. What could this be and am i going to have to buy a new laptop? Thanks.




  1. System restore to the day before you let him borrow it.  If it does not work, check if you have any virus' or anything.  If it still doesn't work, you might have to buy a new one.

  2. best solution is to buy a new one.

    but if its slow u can try to fix with the

    Disk Defragmenter

    or u can do system restoration to rest to the date that u loan him the laptop..

    hmm.. tell ur friend to pay for it if ur buying a new one = P he broke it

    by the way , maybe ur laptop is out of date and the game his playing might be the latest game and it might run slow on ur laptop

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