
What could be his Rising Sign (Ascendant)?

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Ok so I just met this guy and I kind of wonder what his rising sign is but I can't ask him because I'm rather ashamed of my interest in astrology :p

He seems very caring and kind and acts rather maturely. He likes boasting about his works and taste in arts- and is trying to impress me that way. He has a beautiful speaking voice. He has been flirting with me for a while and he is a bit different than most guys I have met, he takes things slowly, still keeps a friendly distance. He talks about how hard he has been working for a long time and has been feeling kind of lonely and that he needs something different in his life. He doesn't like swearing and his family is important to him. Overall, he is a rather serious guy, a thoughtful workaholic who is always kind enough to ask how your day has been and blah blah. But I mean, he is a normal 22 year old in every way.

His placements:







I hate myself:P




  1. I just want to point out that at the end of the day, his rising sign is not really that important. You get to know the real him deep in out.

    You seems to already got a good impression of his personality.

    The decision will depends on you now.

    I do also tried to hide my interest in astrology but not because I'm ashamed. It rather because I get to engrossed in it that I can get overboard sometimes when answering other request abt themselves or someone else and said all the wrong things (which are actually facts that people can't accept).

    Nevertheless, it ok to pursue one's interest irregardless of whatever. Anyway, we don't need to share everything with everyone.

  2. My first thoughts were Cancer. Yeah, Cancer rising seems like that. Because I have my rising in Cancer and it would be that way to attract a girl, if I was a guy. And I have a pretty good guy friend that has almost the same birthchart as your friend here, he has sun in Taurus, moon in Virgo rising in Cancer and venus in Gemini. Quite the same.

    I mean, when he likes a girl, it's his style. So I personally think he has Virgo rising, Capricorn rising or the most Cancer rising.

    Good Luck.


  3. I just discovered this amazing book that has everything you will ever need to know about him (when it comes to astrology) as long as you know b-day and year.  It also tells you the rising sign which you will need his time of day he was born to look on the chart and figure out.  If you can be sneaky and find that out, you're all set. Here's the link to the book.

    ps. Don't hate yourself.  Astrology is fascinating and wanting to know more about what makes people tick is a sign of higher thinking.

  4. Well my first thought was capricorn rising (serious guy) but maybe he's aries rising with mars(capricorn) on ascendant.  

    taurus rising with sun and mercury on ascendant (taste in arts and beautiful speaking voice)

    Dang but then the workaholic he could be virgo combination like virgo rising with moon on the ascendant???   Hard to say for sure

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