
What could be some arguments that would help me in my case against schooling for illegal immigrants (sites!)?

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What could be some arguments that would help me in my case against schooling for illegal immigrants (sites!)?




  1. foreign governments (especially of those countries accounting for the greatest number of illegal immigrants) are none too keen on us taxing them to pay for such schooling.

  2. cheap labor.. isn't that what the whole immigration thing is about?? mr. business man don't want to pay a fair wage. the government will tell us americans don't want jobs we are lazy.. the bottom line is cheap labor!there is no such thing as cheap labor. take,for example, an illegal mexican who sneaks in here with his wife and five kids. ( sneaks ya right) he takes a job for five or six dollars an hour. at that wage with six dependents he would pay no income tax,yet at the end of the year IF he files income tax he gets an earned income credit of up to 3,200 free. he qualifies for section 8 housing and subsidized rent,he qualifies for food stamps, he qualifies for (no deductible,no co-pay) healthcare. his children get free breakfast and lunches at school. he requires bilingual teachers and books. he qualifies for relief fron his energy bills. if they are or become,aged,blind or disabled they qualify for SSI. once qualified for SSI they can qualify for medicare. all of this at our expence... he doesn't have to worry about car insurance, life insurance,or homeowners insurance. we provide spanish language  signs on everything from a can  of oil to a new tv. he cannot be fired, harassed or sued. he and his family receive the equivalent of 20.00 to 30.oo an hour in benefits. working americans are lucky to take home 5.00 or 6.00 an hour after paying our bills and his. but everything he does for mr. business man cost us as much or more than if  it were union in the USA made think about that when it's time to vote..

  3. It is probably at the expense of the tax payer.

    I don't think this was the right category to post this question.

    This is home schooling :-) ???????

  4. Why not just stop the illegal immigration instead?

    Why is this in homeschooling?

    Did you know there is a section on Yahoo Answers that addresses immigration?

  5. This should be posted to the Politics--Immigration section rather than homeschooling for the best chance of getting the help you need.

  6. Why on earth would you want to restrict illegal immigrants access to schooling?!? To do so, doesn't make any sense. Your country's tax payers are already paying to support many illegal immigrants; depriving their kids of education will only mean you'll have to go on supporting the family through generations to come. Better to open up the education system to them, enable them to get an education and go on to get employment and ultimately arrive at a position where they can support themselves and the next generation. That way, your tax payers (potentially) only pay once but deprive them and their offspring of access to education and tax payers will be doomed to pay for them, and go on paying for them, for at least the next 3 generations or so.

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