
What could be the cause of our cats hair loss?

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Recently, my cousin gave my family a cat. She had hair loss problems, and we thought it was stress or diet issues. But now, one of our other cats is losing his fur, the same way.

The hair loss is on the back of the legs, the lower back and abdomen and the tail. It's particularly bad at the base of the tail. They have both been grooming themselves a lot lately.

What could the problem be? Is there a cure? Will the hair loss be permanent(he's such a beautiful cat-- long haired flame point siamese)?




  1. TAKE HIM TO A VET duhhhhhhh!  

  2. I listed a link to assist you for information.

    allergic dermatitis and contact dermatitis is the most common.

    My first thought is cleaning products,out door chemicals or allergy to a food product.

    Stress l*****g requires hairball remedy to prevent another problem.

    If you don't mind post me on your discovery.

    We had a cat that first had food allergy and stress response hair loss +, and then she got contact dermatitis from chemicals brought in by another cat and spring gardening.

  3. Sounds like demodexx or fleas.

  4. get them to a vet to be checked out especially since this has carried over to one of your other cats . If it was just one of your cats you have had then I would say it could be an allergy or an compulsive behavior disorder which can be treated with meds but if this all started when you brought the new cat in it could be a a parasite or a mange he passed to your other cats. Take a stool sample in with you that you are sure is his so they can look for parasites and worms that you can't see with the naked eye but don't wait act now.

  5. Could be flea allergies, ringworm, or other allergies. It takes only one flea to cause flea allergies, so check for fleas. If it is ringworm, which is a fungus, it is contagious and could have been spread to your other cat. Check for areas that look like a ring, that will help diagnose ringworm.

    The best thing to do is take him to the vet and have him checked out.

  6. flea allergies,it has to be,even though you say no,use a good flea treatment and i bet the hair will grow back and you will have a happy cat.

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