
What could be the easiest way to do vermicomposting?

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most of us know that vermicomposting is one of the smartest ways to prevent global warming, right?




  1. Keep some verms under the sink und feed them your leftovers.

  2. There is a vericompost facility in Tamazula México, (100 miles due south from Guadalajara) no machinery, no elecricity, 2 old ladies and a young boy is all it takes to handle the place.

    He produces and sells red worm liquid humus. He feeds the worms with residues of sugar cane he gets from a sugarmill in town. in less than an acre, he produces over 2000 liters a day, Liquid humus is simpler to use o plants, with a regular sprayer. You should consider visiting the place.


  3. The easiest way is to buy some vermiculture bins, some worms and some moist bedding and stare the vermiculture of your garbage. The cheapest way is to build your own bins. I have been supporting vermiculture as a method of disposing of household garbage and producing valuable worm castings in the process for years. Now, you have linked it to preventing global warming and ruined the whole process in my eyes. Vermicomposting is a great process and beneficial to the environment, please don't drag it through the mud of global warming.

  4. bury your scraps in the yard with your yard waste. The worms will come on their own. Or, in an apartment, build or buy a worm bin and some red wrigglers. Once they start breeding, sell them to your friends. They fetch $20 a pound where I live.

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