
What could be the end(shape & not fate) of universe and when did time start ?

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it seems to have no confident answer , but time and universe must have a beginning and boundries. If so what was before it

and what is outside of the universe




  1. It is unknown if the Universe is finite or infinite.  We do know that it's pretty big.  But they talk about the "flatness" of the Universe.  It appears that the Universe is quite flat.

    Time is currently thought to have started with space, at the Big Bang's start - 13.7 odd billion years ago.  If so, there was no "before".  Time is closely related to space, in ways that are not terribly intuitive.  In any case, if there was anything before the Big Bang, there's no evidence so far of it.  There is some talk that the Plank satellite - which is a follow on mission to WMAP, may be able to detect some evidence of a prior Universe, if such a thing exists.

    Not much is known about Dark Energy, and though some think the Universe might end in a Big Rip - where atoms are pulled apart... that's not yet the consensus opinion.

    It looks like the Universe is headed for a very, very flat heat death.  All that will be left is a very very low density flux of very very long (low energy) photons.

  2. Nothing was before time.  That is self evident. The word "before" specifies a time relationship.  Time had a beginning at the big bang.  Thus, there was nothing "before" it.  It is unclear what, if anything, is outside of the universe, if such a phrase has meaning.  Some have conjectured that the inside of a black hole might look like a big bang, due to the time dilation experienced by mass falling in.  I don't think we should ignore that idea entirely.  My guess is that the universe is a locality in the body of order that we have named "mathematics".  The universe is a piece of math.  An abstraction.

    In the end, everything will spread out and cool down, and eventually there will be no energy available anywhere to do any work.  That is to say, nothing interesting will happen anymore, and nobody will be aware of it.  That's the current guess.

  3. Well some speculate that as suns and stars supernova, the ones that are left in its place are weaker than the original, and by that all heat and gas would eventually extinguish in the universe over time. But some stars are we have seen we cant find the genesis for them. So its really inconclusive anyway you can look at it.

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