
What could be the most wonderful thing that could very much shape your life?

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What could be the most wonderful thing that could very much shape your life?




  1. To hit that self defining moment that will bring peace and happiness to myself.

  2. right now....No debt...That would enable me to relax and enjoy life. I'm not saying no bills just no extra debt. That is the only stress I really have right now.

  3. Freedom from suffering and experiencing pleasure (reduction or absence of pain)

  4. love and respect to every human being

  5. Loving and Caring Wife

  6. The most wonderful thing ever that could shape my life is genuine love. When I know right through my heart that I feel love, everything seems to work better with all my reflexes. As my body responds as well as my spirit lifts up into its highest energy level. It is such an inexplicable wondrous feeling that moves me towards a positive outlook in life. Then anyone I encounter may feel it so, as a drop of sunshine emits from it too. Love is so powerful, that it will not only shape life but also the spirit of life within oneself.

    Within one's heart.

  7. Peace, love, and happiness. =]

  8. Any judgment upon the nature of "the most wonderful thing" must necessarily be subjective. So in order to prevent your own subjectivity from clouding your choice of best answer, the ONLY answer must be:

    "That which is the most wonderful thing to the person to whom it is happening."

    Your "most wonderful" is hardly going to be mine; nor the lady's down the street.

    If someone already has "love," his answer might be to win the lottery.

    If someone has already won the lottery, her answer might be to find someone who loves her without the money.

  9. getting rid of my debt and rekindling a romance with a certain past love.

  10. To be emotional strong enough to be my true self around people. To be genuine and honest in my behavior, without any fear of criticism from others.

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