
What could be the role of state in socialization?

by  |  earlier

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well i know that it can be the introducation of values,norms,idologies and to promote it in mass...what do u ppl say?

let me know you views!




  1. Basically the state wants to be god , and dictate what you want , like and what makes you happy. another name is communism

  2. The state should have no business in the affairs of socialization. That is a matter of human involvement. From my own personal observations, the state involvement has caused many of neighborhood clans to disperse, thereby erasing the bonding that took place when ethnic groups existed. Families shared in ideas, ethnics foods, the good times and the bad. Now I observe isolationism amoung families. Almost as if each family is an island. Isolated.

  3. the state can make rules or laws. actions implied in these laws ie. killing is not acceptable in society or people who have commited serious crimes should be sent into isolation in prisons. these actions then become a norm and become part of what we think is right and wrong.

    i hope that makes sense.

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