
What could be wrong with my ear?

by Guest57003  |  earlier

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My ear has been hurting on and off since sunday (when i had a pool party so i was swimming a lot in deep water -10 ft at the least-. maybe pressure related?) But my ear hasnt just been hurting, my ear canal is swollen, i am getting severe jolts of much greater pain along with the constant pain (randomly), I cant eat because of the pain from moving my jaw around, I cant yawn, but hiccuping and burping are the worst. Any thing which comes in contact with my ear (even the outside) makes it hurt much worse.

What do you think this could be?

THis does not seem like the normal ear infection to me...

please help, it is about 4am and the pain just woke me up...

I am also planning on going to the ER tomorrow. I just want to know what it possibly is and how can I make it through the rest of the night, until say noon tomorrow..?





  1. swimmers ear

  2. it sounds like an ear infection i get the same from the local swimming pool, you will be given drops or antibiotics. don't worry.

  3. i used to get this when i used to swim a lot ........ middle(inner) ear infection. or you could have a slight perferation of the ear drum.

    a course of antibiotics (amoxcillin) and you will be right as rain.

    try putting a heated towel on it, this will ease the pain.

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