
What could be wrong with my foot?

by  |  earlier

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I play soccer and i have a pain in the bottom of the inside of my foot when ever i play. Could it be a nerve or something? Should i go to a doctor?




  1. Well with only this bit of information it will be difficult to give you a precise answer, but the first thing that comes to mind is a problem with what is called the plantar fascia.  You can go to to learn more about this and get some ideas of things you can try to alleviate the pain.  If after you read about it you decide that your symptoms are the same or similar to what you have read, one of the easiest ways to help get rid of the pain is to roll the arch of the foot on a tennis ball.  Just sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, no shoes, and roll your foot over the ball with some pressure.  If you do this it will massage the muscles and stretch out that plantar fascia, thus relieving your pain.  You can also soak your foot in a mixture of warm water and epsom salt for 15 mins and then massage the bottom of your foot.  If your foot starts feeling better then I wouldn't go to the doctor, but if keeps getting worse despite your efforts to treat the pain, then I would go for a hands on evaluation.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. yes ,plantar facisitus

  3. Yes

  4. could be a bone spur

  5. maybe not a full fledged doctor, a sports medicine specialist would be best,      may be going flat footed ( bye some good arch supports)

    or it could be some type of stress fracture, or a bone spur. but you do need to go and see someone before you make it worse

  6. no     just rest from soccer a little  

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