
What could be wrong with my grandma? i'm really worried!?

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my grandma is 75. yesterday (aug. 21) she was walking out of a store and then this car was coming right at her and wasn't stopping. so she started backing up, when she got to the curb she fell and landed on her butt/tailbone; she has osteoporosis. two people came and helped her up and asked her if she was okay, but she couldn't talk because she was so rattled and her mouth was like rapidly quivering. the bad thing is the person in the car never got out, asked if she was okay, or even said sorry. she got in her car and drove home. when she got home she said she was pretty sore (her whole body) then when she went to do laundry her right arm went numb. then as the day proceeded so did her right leg, right side off her lip, and right side of her tongue. she sid that it is slightly better today but comes and goes at different rates of numbness. i've noticed that when the numbness comes she can't hold or feel anything in her hand. i'm really worried that she has had a stroke, this is signs of a stroke, or a pinched nerve of some type. please tell me what you think is wrong! i'm REALLY worried about her.




  1. talk to your parents and let them know what is happening.  they need to know so they can help her.

  2. She really truly needs to see a doctor.

    One pinched nerve, or a couple of pinched nerves don't have such large effects. Some major part of her brain is affected. If it was the lower spinal cord, or the spinal nerves, this wouldn't have affected her arm or face.

    The commonest thing that can cause all of this is a stroke or a mini stroke. But a mini stroke doesn't last longer than 24 hours.

    Have her taken to the emergency department at the nearest hospital immediately.

  3. Any time someone has sudden numbness in one side of their body you need to seek medical help for them, as it could be a stroke.  The symptoms of stroke are:

    SUDDEN numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg - especially on one side of the body.

    SUDDEN confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.

    SUDDEN trouble seeing in one or both eyes.

    SUDDEN trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.

    SUDDEN severe headache with no known cause.

    You must act FAST when you think someone has had a stroke.  Ask the person to smile to see if one side of the FACE is affected.  Ask them to raise both ARMS above their head.  Ask them to SPEAK a simple sentence.  Then remember TIME is important.  Call 911.  Don't worry about your parents.  I am sure they would rather have a healthy mother/grandmother.

    If a stroke is ruled out, your grandmother could have injured a disk in her back when she fell and that could be compressing a nerve which could be causing the numbness.  She should go to a neurologist for an exam.  They can determine if this is a compressed nerve or if she has had a stroke.

  4. If you have a biology book it will tell you the nerves of the spine near the tail bone that control body functions.

    see a doctor.

  5. Get her to a doctor a.s.a.p!  

  6. as a stroke victim myself take your grandmother to the emergency room pronto..sounds as though she either has had a stroke or on the verge.....God Bless and good luck

  7. Your grandmother needs to be checked medically. At her age and with osteoporosis she may be really badly hurt and the longer before medical help is given the more likely there is to be significant damage and difficulty recovering.

    Talk to your folks or do something please, I think you will both feel better when you do. This is not something to fool around with dear!

    I will pray for her and you both, I know how hard it can be to help someone older than yourself!

  8. Call the doctor immediately.  She may be having a stroke.

  9. YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DR!! TAKE HER TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM.!!!! if you cant drive the call 911.  She could have had a stroke.

    She could have broken her tail bone when she fell and this caused a pinched nerve.  Either way take her to the DR  don't wait for an answer here...  

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