
What could be wrong with my little sister?

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She's seven years old, and started 2nd grade. She cries all the time, and has the worst temper tantrums! She gets mad at us when we laugh at anything, and she always screams for attention. My mom says that she cries when they get to school every morning, and when she comes home she's like a screaming banshee! I feel so sorry for my mom and dad! They've tried everything, but she gets so upset! I'm worried for her future at school, and for our family. What could be causing this? She's so sensitive to everything, and I can't concentrate on my own life, because I'm always worrying about her!




  1. Has she been acting really different since she started the second grade?  Have you ever seen her have these kind of temper tantrums before?  I bet there is something going on at school that she is embarrased about, and can't tell your parents what it is.  I used to be picked on when I was in first grade.  It makes you feel really terrible, and you start hating school.  There might be some people bulling her.  She is probably throwing temper tantrums because she can't tell your parents what is really bothering her.  Your parents need to gently talk to her and find out what she is feeling.

  2. This sounds just like my 4-yr.-old nephew. No offense, but it sounds like she's spoiled and wants all the attention for herself.

  3. Shes got ADHD they have medicine for dat type of stuff you should take her to a psychologist.

  4. Maybe shes being bullied, or some one is saying stuff to her.

    Or she may have problems like ADHD

    My sister does, and she seems to be like that.

  5. shes an attention seeker or shes being bullied

  6. Because small children have a limited vocabulary, it's often difficult for them to put into words what is going on with them, so they act it out instead.  As her big sister, and probably her best friend, talk to her and ask her if something is wrong at school.  I have a feeling this is what her problems revolve around.  If she can't or won't tell you, give her some crayons, pencils and paper and have her draw it instead.  Tell your parents what you find out, and let them take it from there.

  7. you need to take her to a child psychologist immediately and get her evaluated. if they tell your parents that there is nothing wrong with her, then its time for some severe punishment.

    if she doesn't have a mental disorder, then that means that she is just out of hand and that your parents have lost control of her.

    im sorry if this way offensive in any way, but truly this is the only way to help your sister.

  8. i no she is only seven but do you think she might be upset because she feels that shes not getting that love and attention that's what i think anyway.  

  9. this may sound kinda off but when shes old enough get her IQ tested thats how my sis was and she was just board cuz she's to smart

  10. Im sorry to say this but i think something really bad happened to her. Maybe other kids pick on her or something like that. What you need to do is sit down with her and let her know she can tell you anything and you are there to help her. If she doesnt tell you go to the school ask the princable to observe and then one day sit out side the class room and watch and see if any thing happens how she acts while she is in school. I hoped i could help. Good luck and i will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Ok Cindy are you raceist cause there are ppl on here that dont like that type of S**t. If you are the least you can do is keep your mouth shut and dont type that S**t. Have some respect.

  11. how does she act during school?  does she cry and scream when no family member is around?  if she's fine, then she's just acting out for attention.  if she acts like that all the time, then she needs to be seen by a school psychologist.  I'm sure she doesn't really want to be that out of control, but is too young to manage her behavior without strict guidelines.

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