
What could cause a person to be so sexist?

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i know somebody who is married with kids but he is VERY sexist. he portrays women as being weak and says women will never be as strong or close to being as strong as men. He says all women are tender and the ONLY thing they are strong for is carrying babies. even though hes married he constantly argues with his wife over little things and pushes his opinion on his male children.

does anyone know what could cause a person to be so sexist? anything in his past? he has such a negative image about women. i even wonder y hes married.




  1. yahoo q and a !! lol!!!!parents,environment(growing up,current),experiences with opposite s*x,friends,other ppls influence,movies/tv.

  2. He is a talentless, utterly ordinary person, a loser all his life, who needs to convince himself that "at least he's above those [fill in the blanks]." His prejudice of choice is women.

    Forget him. He is not worth expending mental energy thinking about. Such people never are. Just feel sorry for his wife and children.

  3. He's a control freak!  He uses this ideology as an excuse to boss his wife and get his way all the time, in every situation.  He doesn't have to treat her well and he's instilling in her the believe that she is not worth anything, etc., so that she won't leave him.  If he suddenly became a woman, he'd probably be singing a different tune.

  4. Possibly something negative from the opposite s*x in their past, or maybe that's how they were raised. I don't know how someone can be sexist though, after all if it weren't for the opposite s*x they wouldn't even be here.

  5. These kinds of people are brainwashed into thinking like this, a lot of the time for their own sake. In some societies or in certain countries, women are constantly portrayed as weak individuals (at best) when in fact it is just because people are so close minded and morbid that their way of thinking affects what women are capable of doing in such a society. Maybe he grew up in a society like this and consequently believes this. After all, almost everyone believes what their society believes. It's called closed-mindedness... the answer to countless of these types of questions and yet it is hopeless to recover those already affected, like this man you know. Really, it's very difficult to help them... just save them while their young- hopefully his kids won't buy that bull.

  6. Well, women are physically weaker than men, that is a biological fact which cannot be disputed.  However, I don't know why he feels the need to keep going on and on about it.  How does his wife feel about him?

  7. Maybe he was treated badly as a child because he was male. I'm mature enough to take it, but he may not have been. In my family, the girls are spoilt worse than rotten tomatoes two decades old, and I'm constantly compared to them (though I can't see a reason really). They're them and I'm me. But I'm told on an almost daily basis how they are much better children to look after than me. I was almost isolated when they visit. I'm always the devilish child, they're always the perfect princesses. All because I watch sports, they don't, so I'm less likely to sacrifice live games for silly soaps which are fiction and nothing more. That makes them 'more obedient, disciplined and mature.' Great.

    Though I've stopped myself from hating them, the man in your question might not have. When a woman is sexist, you always find reasons for it like "She was abused." Why can nobody imagine the same happening to men?

    Believe it or not, most sexism stems from childhood. One doesn't suddenly decide to be sexist.

    Yes, it is his past most likely. Don't put all the blame on him, though that is easy to do. There is a difference between what is right and what is easy, and what is easy is often wrong.

    EDIT: I see a bias here. Everybody blaming the man totally has got thumbs-up while there's a thumbs-down campaign against the only user sensitive enough to look into his past.

  8. Part of it could be insecurity, seeing as he seems to argue constantly.  That's generally why men buy into something, such as sexism, that makes them feel more important than they are due to something they can't control.

    Have you ever asked him why he bothered getting married if he sees women that way?  Better yet, have you asked him about insecurities? That's exactly what it sounds like--he's not confident at all, and has to be somewhat controlling to get that high confidence gives the average person.

    As for his wife, she's obviously an idiot for staying with him as it is.

  9. I don't blame him one bit.

    Though I don't understand why he has a wife...

  10. Ignorance is the answer to your question. Ignorance is very contagious and people are constantly spreading it. Especially to their children. Most of the time it is spread by fear of the opposite s*x and not other logical explanation.

    Edit: Most people like that can't be helped. And it is best that you let him and his problems be. And to some extent it is his wife's fault as well. We teach people how we want to be treated and that is what they go by. But you see there are three types of people in this world. Those who see, those who see when are shown, and those who do not see. It's obvious he and his wife just can't see with eyes wide open.

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