
What could cause both of my kids to have yellow diarrhea?

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They ate grapes and pears a few days ago, and ever since then they've both had the most foul smelling yellow diarrhea. They both had a fever the morning after they ate the pears, but it went away quickly and otherwise they act normal (not sick).

My mother in law says they just got cold, but I'm afraid it might be a bacteria or parasite. Anyone have any similiar experience?




  1. It sounds like there is an infection, a "tummy bug" of some sort- especially since there was a fever just before the onset of the diarrhea.   It may have been some gerbie living on the fruit, which wasn't washed away- but being kids, it could just as easily been something on their hands as well.  I wouldn't suspect any sort of parasite, as those don't usually cause diarrhea.  At any rate, your first response should be to put them on clear liquids for a full 24 hours.  That will make them cranky to say the least, but will stop the diarrhea.  After 24 hours, they should eat bananas, white rice, apples/applesauce, white bread/toast, and crackers, plus all the clear liquids you can get down them.  They should have no dairy products at all- no milk, no butter, no yogurt either.  After the day of rice, etc- the third day you can let them have a bland diet, with grilled lean meats, defatted broth soups, veggies- but not salad veggies, and the rice, white bread, etc.  If this doesn't stop the diarrhea, after 24 hours of clear liquids, you will need to visit the doctor for cultures and something a bit stronger.  If it does stop it, then on the fourth day, you can give them live culture yogurt.  They can have whatever flavor they like, as long as it has those live bacerial cultures and sweetened with real sugar.  Have them eat a carton or two a day for two or three days, and then they can go back on the dairy products.  You don't get diarrhea because you catch cold, you get it because something isn't agreeing with you.  It's usually bacterial, although there are some viruses that can do it.  And I think you can relax on the parasites.

  2. Do they still have the foul smelling diarrhea and a fever? Because if they do, then there is a possibility of them having salmonellosis. Did they eat anything from outside before the grapes and pears? For instance, something like MacDonalds or any fast food? Do bring them to the doctors to check. Because from my knowledge, having the most foul smelling diarrhea is an indication of salmonellosis.

    Let me know. Thanks

  3. they will have a tummy bug or upset but i would got to the doctors to be safe, chances are it will sort its self out.

  4. fever will do mom said i pood green once from a fever lime green

  5. take them to the doctor and have him check.

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