
What could happen here??? please help!!!

by Guest59062  |  earlier

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my grandma just died, there were five kids in the family, one has been estranged since 1995.

she had a will and she has a fair amount of assets, (i think) apparently my estranged uncle showed up at my grandmas house and talked with my two aunts and my mom for two hours, she said she couldn't tell me what it was about casue, my other uncle and him absoulutly hate each other.

can he sue???

CAn he contest the will???

It was written by an attorney???

What could happen here.

he's the type of person who would sue.




  1. it depends on your local law, but in ohio,... he can sue, if she left him anything his odds aren't good, if she left him absolutely nothing and didn't mention him in her will his odds are better. had a very similar situation with an estranged aunt when my grandfather passed, he left her $250, and a note telling her to get her blankety blank blank back outta town and to leave his family alone

  2. Call the original attorney and ask him what the h**l did he write -I mean what good are these overpriced c**k suckers anyway if they can't even write a bullet proof document for 400 dollars an hour. If anything goes wrong sue his ***!  

  3. Can he sue? Yes. Anyone can sue, but that does not mean he will win.

    Can he contest the will? Yes, he can contest the will, but that also does not mean that he will win.

    What could happen here is that the will will go into probate, and if he contests it, it will be held up in probate until the civil trial is over, or an agreement is reached. If, as you say he was estranged from his mother, and she had the will drawn up properly, he should not win.

    The will will be held up until a judge or jury decides that, and money will be spent out of the estate to pay for the trial, lessening the amount available to be given to the rightful heirs.  

  4. god don't you just love people? when someone dies no matter how long some jerk has been out of the family, they come swooping out of the wood work like vultures, we had that in my family more times then i care to remember, that's why i do not talk to any of them.

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