
What could happen if someone creates mental voodoo doll to defend himself from telepatic parasites?

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Is this black magik used for white purpose?




  1. This question verges on rascist, implying that only black people use voodoo dolls.

    The answer of course is that voodoo was an old african religion made popular in haiti as people tried to hold on to thier past and gain independence from a repressive goverment. The biggest and baddest demon summoner of all was a man named Papa Doc who took over. He pretended to use voodoo to summon demons to attack his enemies, however, it was really just people who painted thier faces white and wore top hats.

    When he took over, haiti longed for thier former represive government again, as these demons (which were his human henchmen) had free reign over the people of haiti.

    This is where voodoo comes from, it was a magic trick. It doesnt really work. Papa Doc knew that, he just used peoples superstitions to control them.

  2. No, it is still black magik. The attraction here is using the lesser of two evils, or as some shamen refer to it "traveling the shadows to fight the dark".

    This is a risky move. Not only might one 'get the taint', but also, they might be a resistant form of telepathic parasite, and the exercise wouldn't even work after all the risk!

    The best advice is to stick with the white and the light. If you can't manage a preventative/protection, seek help. Either a more in tune spirit than yourself or a group of peers.

  3. Learn to spell it correctly *magick*.

    VooDoo is neither black or white; just like any other is the intent behind it.

  4. Fetish dolls like that only work if the person you are casting the spell on is aware of it.  Magic/magick/magik, like many other paranormal phenomena, is most effective in hindsight by explaining something that's already happened.

    "I am sick.  It must be because someone cast a spell on me."

    "My crops failed this year.  That strange looking old woman must have cast a spell."

    And so on.

  5. What could happen? Nothing could happen. In fact, nothing is exactly what would happen. Voodoo is just a ritualistic belief with no paranormal power at all, and magick or magic or magik is simply deception and illusion.

    The only power these things have is through the power of suggestion of those who believe in it.

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