
What could happen in 50 years?

by Guest32894  |  earlier

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The moon could fall from the sky... Aliens could take over...




  1. You could die. You could learn the answer to this question. You could be celebrating the fifty year anniversary of you asking this question. You could be reduced to a heap of ashes. You could be enjoying a slice of fresh watermelon with your toothless maw. You could be standing on Mars reading instructions for a new universal remote control for your television. You could be choking on a cracker. You could be thirsty. You could be wondering what you did with your high school yearbooks. You could be petting a dog that isn't there. You could be fishing. You could be rollerskating. You will probably be dead, though.

  2. Umm,ok WOWOWOW

    To "WOW"

    Men can NEVER get pregnant.Wow.

    We might have to go abck to riding horses in carriages because of global warming.

    San Francisco,California will be under water because of global warming.

  3. Men can get pregnant

  4. 2nd Coming would've already taken place.This world will be long gone.

  5. Do not wish big things will happen.

    Some tricks will be developed, like time machine, fast train, space travel,super internet,download 1T in 1s.

    But, human nature will not change.. greedy, selfish,etc... so, it's a future need fight still. If someone can change this...this could be big, happiness forever and automatically.

  6. the world could b suffering from over population and other problems like global warming, no fossil fuels, or supercomputers taking over the world(its' possible!! really, dats wat i saw on history channel one time)



  8. When people asked 1950's folks same question, they used to say: we will certainly have flying cars, robots, space colonies, and so on. As we can see most of that never happened.

    Most possible things to happen in 50 years ( according to my opinion ):

    - forming of three super-alliances ( EU+USA+Australia+Japan; Russia+India+China+maybe Brazil and something like United Islam States )

    - democracy and human rights will implode them selfs ( governments will have higher levels of control, decline of privacy right, race or holy civil wars )

    - completely mapped human genetics in corporate property ( you will have to pay license when you want to have children )

    - widely spread nano technology ( super small robots )

    - people will probably land on the Mars

    - Chuck Norris will most certainly become God :-D

  9. Hopefully I'll be dead and buried.

    People will realize global warming was not man made, and will start looking for ways to fight global cooling, preparing for the next ice age.

  10. Rogue comet hits the earth.

    Subteranean underground dwellers assault us surface dwellers.

    World Wars 3 and 4 (I think big old WW5 would be a bit much in that time frame)

    and my personal favorite, we give artifical intelligence to our snowcones and icecream so that they enjoy our consumption of them.

  11. A virus could wipe out all humanity.

    Racism could end.

    Everyone could be equal.

    There could be no poverty.

    There could be more successful marriages than divorces.

    Britney Spears would be out of rehab--finally.  And, I'm being serious.

  12. -Global Warming Could be taken seriously

    -Electric cars being a real option

    -g*y People being accepted

    -End of the war in Middle East

    -Any Number of Inventions

    -End of US Oil Dependency

    And...Rest has to with the end of the world so... All the positive things I could think of

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