I bought him on June 13th. He was in a 1 gallon square bowl with glass stones at the bottom, a glass "tunnel" he liked to go in and out of, and a silk plant. I fed him this morning (gets fed once per day, 4 pellets) and he ate it all eagerly. He had quite an extensive bubble nest built.
Today was water change. I changed his water the exact way I have been doing it since I got him....I scooped him out in a cup, and set him aside. I gave him a few bloodworms in the cup while I worked. I dumped the water and rinsed all the gravel, cup, and plant in hot water to clean them, then cool water. I rinsed out the tank. I refilled the tank with water from a gallon that had been setting out for a week. then I gently floated him back in. I refilled the gallon jug to set out and "breathe" for another week.
I found him floating belly up a few short hours later....what could have happened??