
What could have possibly happened to my 6.5 year old beloved cat?

by  |  earlier

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My cat passed away last week. She was always happy healthy and affectionate. She was not eating much and seemed disoriented. I was too distraught to question the vet.




  1. Cats get sick, its sad but it happened sometime and it can be out of nowhere. She could have gotten a simple stomach bug and without proper nutrients from eating she just might have not had it in her to fight it. It could have been anything. Sorry.

  2. eating disorder!

  3. aw.

    you should've took her to the vet.

    Why didn't you? :S

  4. was she indoor or outdoors?  if outdoors she could have ingested some antifreeze, hit by a car or many other things.  If indoors,  see what house plants you have and see if any of them are toxic. There are tons of plants that are toxic to cats.  You can do a google search for the list.

    Without a description of symptoms it's very hard to tell anything for sure.

  5. My heartfelt sympathy to you on the loss of your beloved kitty.

    Without more information on her medical history, you do give two clues 'not eating much and disoriented'.  Kitties will quit eating when they are ill, and this could be due to many causes.  The disorientation is usually a neurological problem, which could have been from a poisoning, a head injury or even a stroke.

    When you can talk about it, please speak to her vet and see if they can give you any other causes or reasons for her passing.

    Six years is a long time to have a kitty companion.  Reminsce the happy times and the joy, affection and pleasure she brought to your life.  Let those happy memories make you smile inspite of the pain in your heart.

    There are many pet grief websites and I will list my favorites.  They have wonderful resourses to help grieving pet owners, even a message board to share your stories with others.  You can post a memorial to her also.

    Purrs to you.

  6. Awe, I'm so sry hun... I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet.

    It could have been anything, but the first thing I thought of was worms...

    Talk to a vet, and describe her symptoms, maybe they'll be able to give you a little insight on what happened.

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