
What could have possibly happened to my eyes while they were underwater?

by  |  earlier

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We all have experienced that we cannot see clearly under the water , yet the opposite happened to me while i was submerged in a water tank at my backyard . This was when i was 12 , i remember i loved to hold my breath to see how much i could handle without air . My eyes were always open when i was submerged and suddenly like for 2 seconds i could suddenly see everything very clearly , not foggy or opaque , i was able to look around the water tank walls and my hands ,everything looked crystal clear just as when being outside water , after 2 seconds or so , i felt something slide down my pupil and again everything was opaque around me , at that moment i got out of the water and still wonder ...what was that?




  1. you could just see

  2. You were looking with your inner eye, which I call the PSI eye, because it rhymes, which makes it real.  You are obviously super cool and very very special.

  3. It sounds to me like you were very slightly out of your body. I have had OBE's where I was still in my body but detached...hmmm, it's kind of hard to explain. I was laying down, I could move my arm and it would move...but the physical arm was still laying down. I suppose my soul was being lazy and didn't feel like getting up. ;)

    But what you say sounds like your soul was seeing the water, your physical body falls to the background when you have an OBE. Your soul's eyesight would be not be altered by the water...because it isn't of the physical realm.

  4. Sounds like your third eye has opened, and as you enjoyed it at the very moment it became comforting. When it becomes comforting it closes. This happens to me sometimes when I am asleep as my eyes are closed, my third eye opens and I can see in the room, but usually when this happens my spirit guide is there when I can see her, and if she holds my hand or speaks to me, her voice is very comforting, and as if I go to sleep- my third eye closes....when it becomes comforting. So perhaps your spirit guide or another loving spirit was there, perhaps above you looking over you. That's the reason why the third eye works, is to do with spirits or ghost around us as the attach themselves to one of our senses,

  5. Well, according to the source I provided, your vision is blurred when you open your eyes underwater because of a different index of refraction.  Your eyes rely on the index of refraction between air and your cornea to focus light on your retina.  Water has a much different index of refraction than air, so the light is focused differently on your retina, and everything looks blurred.

    And this explains why goggles make things clear, because you still get that air-to-eye refraction index.

    So the only 2 explanations I can come up with are that either somehow you had an air bubble stuck to your eye, which seems very unlikely... or you imagined it.

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