
What could i buy my male history teach for a leaving present?

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One of my mates and i are putting together to get something so it doesn't matter to much about cost. We don't really want to go for stuff like chocolates etc?

He has done a lot for us whilst at school so we want to get him something nice

Really need ideas

He leaves next week!!!!!!




  1. buy him a shirt and tie

  2. Voucher for a lap dancing club would be favourite.

  3. A mask or a nice pipe.

  4. Definitely give him something he can keep in his room that will remind him of you.

    Teachers are so often taken for granted, and I know I cherish every single thing a student gives me, every mug and pen.

    So make it something unique.  Does he have any interests?  Does he have any running jokes with you?  

    For example, we have a teacher who is a huge Nascar fan, and his students all brought him Nascar memorabilia.  I'm a fan of the Office, so I get those sorts of things.

  5. How about a book of famous historical quotes!  Then on the inside cover write a sentiment about how he made a difference.

  6. Hi Sam.

    What you and your friend are doing is highly commendable.

    All too often we are taken for granted.

    I say we as I am a teacher and recently I received an appreciation gift from my class.

    They presented me with a voucher for Waterstones Book Shop. Sam books are a natural part of every teacher’s environment and habitat. Reading is a great joy even for those who must read a lot for their work

    They also gave  me a framed  photograph of the class.

    Sam, when buying a teacher appreciation gift, try not to get him or her anything expensive. Otherwise your teacher might feel uneasy about this.

    Good luck with what ever you choose. remember at the end of the day , It's the thought that counts.

    Here is what they wrote on the gift card:

    To an inspirational teacher,

       "The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires."  ~William A. Ward


  7. an electric guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Meme's idea is amazing! It's not only sentimental, but it sounds like it would be something he would find interesting and could use. And every time he'd open the book to find a quote, your message would be there reminding him that he made an impact, which is something every teacher wants.

  9. gift him an egyptian condom!!...yeah a lapdance voucher will work just fine....

  10. If he has certain intrests that could be a clue cause my Math teacher a couple of years back loved frogs and i got her a stuffed one and she was so pretty much if he has certain likes, maybe cars or something could be a modle oor if he like fish or anything???

  11. cool history facts book

  12. we bought our history teacher a tie and our whole class signed it. we bought him a tie cos he always wears awesome ties to school.

  13. You could give him an old looking map of a place he likes

  14. Get him some thing from his favorite historical period.

  15. a 2000 year old roman coin.  they are impressive and not expensive

    put in a nice presentation box, with a note from you all

  16. Maybe you could get him wine. That is what I gave my teacher. Maybe you could get him a history encyclodpedia, or a gift card for a book shop or something. You could ask the other teachers what he would like, too. They could give you some ideas.

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