
What could i do with my rat?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 7 month old male rats. one of them is very hyper and wont keep still long enough for me to stroke him. i want to tickle his belly, but as soon as i roll him over he gets back up. what can i do




  1. Some rats are just active. :) Boys usually calm down and become quite lazy compared to girls, but not always (and not always when they're still young.).  He may just want to explore and run about more then the other, and all you can really do is enjoy the differences in personality.

  2. i agree. they are not gross they're little cute and fuzzy.  and they ARE really clean!  the mouse that was in my wall was cleaner than my dog! that's saying something.  lol    i love mice and rats.

  3. Young rats aren't known for their abilities to sit still. Maybe you can try training him with *small* tidbits of food. Rats can be trained to do numerous things, like knowing their name, coming when called, standing on their hind feet to name a few.  Maybe he would like to go on a shoulder ride?

    And by the way, he may not be staying still because he doesn't like being on his back, it may be quite uncomfortable. They are animals that are preyed upon in the wild and he may feel very vulerable. How would you like some huge being picking you up laying you on your back and trying to tickle your stomach?

  4. They are adolescents so they will keep moving. You cannot force them to sit still but what you can do is handle them every day. When they get a little older they will naturally become more sedate and if you have been socializing them well and bonding, you will be able to pet them and *possibly* roll them over. Just be patient.

  5. eww rats they r ugly man why would u have a rat in the first place they r  uncool pet i would hit it and say respect my authority rat by the way i think rats don't like dat.  

  6. what could i do with my rat hmmm....... bum it

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