
What could i give u to put a smile on ur face?

by  |  earlier

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What could i give u to put a smile on ur face?




  1. Something warm and furry to play with..

  2. A massage would be nice - my shoulders are kinda tight.

  3. Tie me up and tease me.  Thats what would put a smile on my face.

  4. You don't have to,just reading your question made me smile =]

    haha I just smile & laugh at anything! xD

  5. money is nice, But I am thinkin something else, you know, very, very nasty. I could use some garbage...

  6. Peace and serenity.

  7. That is a loaded question. If I told you I would get violated and hopefully it would be from you.

  8. A plea to my boss for another day off work!

  9. a KISS

  10. axl rose!

  11. anything  that would make me feel better

  12. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

  13. A cookie.

    Am I the only one who still gets excited when

    they see candy?

    Haha I feel so alone.

  14. send a beautiful woman into my room so she can finish my math homework and


  15. a hug :D

  16. An all night hug.

  17. There's nothing you can give me. But thanks anyway.

  18. 15 pounds of Hershey's chocolate.

  19. best answer

    or money

  20. anything chocolate,any other answer and i'll get reported,AGAIN

  21. give me the anwsers to my Algebra questions.


  22. The "Concert For George" DVD. :)

  23. Well i can think of something but it really blows.......

  24. BJ !

  25. anything that involves a whip.

  26. surprise me

  27. it starts with an O.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥Ã¢Â™Â¥Ã¢Â™Â¥

  28. If your a women, a happy ending

  29. You wouldn't need to give me anything.

    Just your question made me smile.


  30. be creative, I'm sure you can com up with something

  31. children.

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