
What could i possibly say?

by  |  earlier

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i work retail, meaning that i deal with a great amount of people at work. I am progressing with my customer service skills, but i need a few tips on greeting with these people and closure. I just find myself repeating the same lines like, "Hi! how are you doing today?".... or, "You enjoy the rest of your day!" When i say simple lines like these, I feel like they are meaning less to the customers because they are used to hearing the same words every business they go to...

Please provide me some suggestions! Thanks guys!!!!!




  1. Good Morning

    Good afternoon, what can I help you find today?

    I always like it when they interact with my kids.

    They will say things like, how old is he?  or Hey cutie?

    Tell them about the specials that you are having, know and studie your stuff.

    Like when I worked with cell phones, I always told them, lets do "would you like to do a coverage check to know what options would be good for you area?"

    For Mondays; Did you have a great weekend?

    For Tuesday/ Wednesday : How is your week going?

    Thursday/ Friday: Looking foward to the weekend?

    Hope I could help.

  2. You are thinking way too deep into this, just say something kind and thats all.

  3. Sounds like you are doing a great job in the fact that you care at all! As long as you sound sincere when you say something to them, it makes all the difference. Nothing worse than a cookie cutter phrase in a monotone voice. You will think of new things to say, so don't worry. As I said, sincerity is the key.

  4. I think we are all used to the same lines from customer service people and it's OK as long as you remain nice about it and it doesn't start to sound rehearsed and corny.

    You could focus on the weather...

    "Good morning. A bit wet out there today, isn't it?"

    "Have a good day. Stay dry!"

    Or focus on what they have bought, especially if there are children in the group.

    "Enjoy your new bike"

    "Have fun with your party" if they've bought decorations.

    If you feel it's appropriate to be a bit more personal, if you've seen the person several times and they end up telling you about their plans or say they're having a bad day...

    "Good luck with your test"

    "Have fun on your vacation"

    "Bye. I hope you feel better soon"

    You don't have to know someone personally to get a feel for what they might want or need to hear.

    Even just using one different word could help you not feel so practiced and lame.

    In your "Have a good day" replace day with evening, night, holiday, weekend, morning, or anything that's appropriate for the situation. If they've bought a ton of ingredients and say they are fixing a meal for the first time, wish them luck and a nice dinner.

    Don't fret though about saying the same things over and over again. A lot of employees don't even do that. As long as you are friendly, look at and talk to them, you'll be good to go!  

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