
What could i say to them help ?

by Guest32784  |  earlier

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well here's my problem well its not really a problem but yea

i seen a house that was empty and is closer to my parents because i am bout 5-10Min's taxi from my parents house that is not including the waitiwaitinga taxi

well anyways i seen ithe house empty and i already have a house small 2 bedroom but am wanting to move from this area because there has been a few problems and don't feel very safe at times because my next door neighbor has Schizophrenia and can be violent when he is drunk and he drinks alot recently and the house is small

reason i would like something closer to my parents as i have epilepsy and the seizures are getting worse and more harder to tell how long it will take to go into a full grandmal seizure and when am in this seizure i don't know if i will wake from it which worrys me for my son so that why i like my parents closer

what sort of things could i put down when i want the house to make sure i get a good chance of getting the house it looks like a council house but yea i have only lived in my home for a year now which is a council house also and my son is almost 1year old




  1. In your question you never said where you are from, but from the wording, I assume that you are in the UK, and I am in the US, so am not familiar with the renting of council houses.

    However I am in the same situation as you are, living 650 miles from my son, and wanting to move close to him and his family.

    Living that far away we could not shop for a house ourselves, so we ran an add, and had several calls, one house seemed to fit our needs, 3 blocks from where our son was buying his new house, we ask our son to go and check it out, the man in charge of renting the house, met my son and his family, the man like my sons family and fell in love with our 2 years old granddaughter and rented to us with out ever meeting us.

    My suggestion is to explain why you need to move into this house that you want, give them all of the reasons why, and if possible let them meet your son, I pray that you have as go a luck as we did.

  2. just clean it up a bit a carpet might help in the bathroom ya know a bit of spit and polish you could paint it up aswel soft housey colours not too vibrant and definitely no primary colours ,colours that will make the rooms look bigger it will also rack up the price, get nice bedspreads and photo frames for the walls.Get some flower pots for outside the house nice colorful flowers .

    A little money spending to make the house look nice will pay off in the selling its all worth it!

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