
What could it be but an STD? Maybe cancer?

by  |  earlier

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About a month ago, I noticed a small, hard nodule on my perineum (between my genitals and my butt) but didn't think much of it.

I just noticed it again, and it is larger and it hurts when I press on it. It's about the size of my pinky finger nail.

I have never so much as kissed anyone, so it cannot possibly be an STD. And it seems completely unlikely that it would be a mosquito bite.

There's only one nodule, and I'm only nineteen... so it couldn't be cancerous, could it?




  1. get it check out by a doctor straight away as i have heard of cancer in that place sorry to worry you but better safe then sorry good luck!!

  2. I've never heard of cancer developing there so I think it is highly unlikely to be anything serious and you are right... it's not an STD.

    It's probably something very simple.  Go to a doctor to have it checked out... then you can stop worrying about it.

  3. You do need to have it checked by a doctor.    More than likely, it's not cancerous, but one can get cancer at any age.

    It could be a plain old wart--in an unusual area, but whatever it is, it needs to be checked and treated.     Yes, it's in an embarassing area, but it's a physical problem that needs attention.

  4. Go to a doctor right now!

  5. it might be a hemorrhoid. it's usually found in the area around the a**s. i don't think it's cancerous. hemorrhoids are common and they hurt when you touch it. go see your physician, he may refer you to a urologist or just tell you to have a good balanced diet, and take sitz baths. sitz baths are when you let your bottom stay immersed in warm water.  

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