
What could it be that is in my pool room?

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I saw it behind the pool table. It was solid black about 3 feet tall and it moved almost too fast to see but it darted into the corner and then it was gone.

I know it was not an animal but what could it be. I am scared to go in there now




  1. Maybe it was the dude who use to play pool there a long time ago...

  2. An object of your imagination.

    Or a labrador retriever.

    You do not have a demon in your house.

    I am 99.9% sure your eyes played a trick on you. I will be willing to concede that figure if you see it again.

  3. First thing, I will not be like most and make a joke out of what you say, you have seen, because I have heard it many times, just like you have said it... I won't go into a great deal on this computer, but do take heed to this thing, don't fear it, because fear can make anything grow. I personally would say, stand your ground and tell what ever it is to get the h**l out , it's your home. Burn some sage and keep some form of light burning, candles, night light, bar moved to the dark for a reason. I dont take anything like what you have described as a joke, I've been dealing with this sort of thing, well, sense I saw my mother doing it when I was a small child. Who cares what the rest of the world believes, that mean's little to the ones who are looking at something they can't explain, and the thing is in their home. Remember to put your faith where it belong's, trust me when I tell you, they fear the same God as we do...And to who ever want's to laugh at an old woman who by now, I am more than sure that you think is crazy...Please laugh away...I could tell you thing that would make you stay wake at night for week's...and all true!!!  I've even been asked to join up with a few big Paranormal investigation team's, but said no, cause I'm a freak of a different type, I dig playing alone.   Take care and Rock on!!!

    "Sorry not sure how to get this thing to let me re-respond"

    I grow my own sage, but you can find it in any health store, Lavender is very good for calming your nerves, and please Hun! don't be afraid to go in that room, just say out loud, you dont want it there, so leave. Unless they could read mind's before death, they can not hear what you think. I dont know if you ever got picked on at school when you were a child, but if so, do you rememeber when they would scare ya, and it made the other bully's start laughing, then the jerk that started just got worse...Same thing here, you really have to stand strong, and then again you may never see it again. I always let the other side know,"If you want to hang with me, fine, but you go getting ugly, I will send you back to where ever you came from." Sound's stupid, but who cares, I love what I do. Best of luck babe and if you ever need to talk, please feel free to contact me at my personal e-mail, ANYTIME...I have very good ear's and I wont make you feel like you've lost your a good note, it's cool if you want to think that I've lost mine, cause I am one crazy old lady.  Take much care and be strong in what ever you do or see in this life....Rock on!!!

  4. It is probably a demon, but you do not need to waste your time doing nonsensical things like burning sage. That's ridiculous. What you need to do is pray to Jesus Christ. Ask him to protect you.

  5. I just got rid of one of these. I only saw it once, but my husband saw it 3 times (He's a director of one of the biggest hospitals in the southern hemisphere, flies planes and teaches karate in his spare time... and he doesn't make things up!).

    Anyway, each time it was seen, it was a different shape, so we dubbed it our "black shape shifter". It was pitch black and had a nasty feel to it. Even though we didnt  see it again, we could still feel it. I have an aunt who is adept at dealing with things like that, she did a clearing for us, then a few days later I did a smudging. 1st with a cedar and sage smudgestick (take down the smoke alarms while you do it), then with copal and frankincense resin, and fnally with a sweetgrass braid.  Haven't seen or felt it since.

    You can buy it all online on ebay, I bought mine from a lady called Alison, she's very helpful and although she doesn't list it all on ebay she will order stuff in for you, she's really quick.

    Here's how to find her:

    It's all light, so international postage should be relatively cheap, and it could be there in a few days if sent express.

    With my black "thing" it was a negative entity that fed on fear, depression, illness etc. and they don't like to be seen. probably a lot more people have them than realise it.

    I've had a lifetime of dealing with the supernatural, not my choice, it comes to me. I've never felt so uncomfortable with one before. I'm glad it's gone.

    Another thing, is the room dark ? If it is, lighten it up, remove heavy curtains and blinds, put in brighter light globes. Meantime you can also try going around the room with a candle and lighting everything part of it, including inside cupboards etc. as a ritual.

    Alway do smudging and lighting in a clockwise direction from the main entry door of the room, not sure why, but that's what works for me.

    Don't be frightened, it can't hurt you, without you it's nothing, it feeds from your fear. I do understand why you are feeling so freaked out though. Good luck, email me and let me know how you get on?   Lizzie   :o)

  6. you caught the TAPS episode with the shadow person running around behind the pool table didnt you?

  7. it sounds like a shadow person...i wouldnt be to worried, they are fast and might not return...ive seen them several times move through my home, but havent worried me, or come back...i dont understand them, or what they really are, it proberly just went through your home, and will be completely gone by now...and it wont hurt you...

  8. Are you serious!!??  Are you sure it's not a snake?  Sounds like it is, though...  Or..., an alien...

  9. go in go in record it on video and post it on you tube!!

    a pool hustling phantomm!!!!

  10. it could have been a shadow person...

    Accounts of shadow people typically describe them as being black humanoid silhouettes with no discernible mouths, noses, or facial expressions, though accounts also exist of them being child-sized humanoids or shapeless masses that sometimes change to a more human like form

    Their movement is often described as being very quick and disjointed;

    i got this stuff from this web page

    that's what i would say it was but i am not certain

  11. My guess? it was a demon. And do a search online for sage smudge sticks. you can order them on ebay for cheap. Sage and sweetgrass is my favorite... the sage chases out the bad and the sweetgrass invites in the good.

  12. You experienced an optical illusion of some sort.  It appeared very real to you.  You were too afraid to investigate.  If you had investigated you would have seen there was nothing to it.  Your lack of action is allowing your fear to perpetuat itself.  If you had curiosity and bravery at that moment you would be going with your life in this moment.  As it is now, your fear is preventing you from using a part of your house.

    Do not fear the unknown.  Investigate and find out more about the world around you.  Ignorance=fear=powerlessness.

  13. That would be one of what they call  the "shadow people".  Creepy little guys aren't they.  And really fast too,  they seem to slide into the wall and disappear.

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