
What could it mean to be remembering a crush from kindergarten?

by  |  earlier

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this was more than twenty years ago, but i've been seeing a therapist and this came out. so what can i take fromt his to make it useful? i think it came out because i'm working on trying to not be so bitter towards women. what kind of an important impact does a crush from pre pubescence have on him or her?




  1. i think that if you remember a crush form kindergarten then she must be someone special.  

  2. It could mean that you are remembering all the positives of your early innocent crush. Then there were no complications which occur once the hormones kick in.

    This, to me, is  a good sign for you - positives, not negatives.

    One should not categorise all female individuals  - just like men we all have our good & bad side. Back to negatives & positives again. Please google a short piece called Desiderata. I think it might answer a lot of things for you too. Best wishes & good luck. UK

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