
What could it mean when my guy friend calls me his wifey?

by  |  earlier

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[We're 16]. Ok, so I had a ring on my finger...and my guy friend put it on my left hand and said that we're married, playfully though. Well it's been about 3 months since then, and he still calls me his "wifey" to this day. I know it sounds so immature, but what could this mean???




  1. It's just a word, calm down.

    Kinda like an inside joke.

  2. It might be just a joke. Me and one of my best friends got married. She says I'm the husband. Lol

  3. he likes u

    good luck!

    God Bless!

  4. He is goofing off, but he also likes you as a person.

  5. Maybe his your boyfriend

    in some strange way

    you should really ask him

    boys are confusing sometimes

  6. It means he's a friend that likes joking around.

    Don't read too much into a small thing. You'll end up ruining a friendship.

  7. C'mon chill. It's a pet name. Inside joke. Nick name.  

  8. Don't read to much into it - it probably started as a joke and now it turned into a nickname.

  9. It probably means he likes you, and possibly wants to go out with you.

  10. OMFG. That same EXACT thing happened to me 2 years ago. He said he liked me and we went out for like a month, but he most likely likes you. :)

  11. "miso horny" thats prolly what he sings when he thinks of you. he want choo

  12. It's just a playing around thing.  Girls say that to girls and guys say that to girls for fun all the time.  If he's been dragging it on for 3 months though I'm thinking maybe he likes you?  Ha ha good luck! =]

  13. listen, that kinda sounds like what I am doing, well theres this girl that I'm really good friends with and we joke alot like I call her w***e, and she call me anorexic b*^%C and a bunch of stuff like that but the thing is I don't know if I really like her not, its confusing but my personal opinon is that he might like you and not really relise it cuz he may know theres a little attraction to you but doesn't know the level of it, kinda like how it is for me

  14. he want you.

  15. He ha a crush on you and it's his way of letting you know. Mayb he's looking for the right reaction from you so that he can ask you out. Better still, if you like him back, why don't you ask him out? Good luck.

  16. he is sayin that u are is girl friend.

  17. He probably secretly likes you but it could just be a running joke. Maybe tart calling him your "hubby" and see if he freaks out or if he likes it. I had a few guy friends who were like that and I didn't think anything of it. A few years later I found out that they actually really liked me. Maybe he's scared to actually make a move so he uses this joke to see what your reaction is? If you like him in that way maybe you should make the first move :)

    Good Luck & God Bless!

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