
What could make him change his decision to wan still be with me.(please help....?

by  |  earlier

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love him so very much I'm stress out...i had a baby by some other guy and told him it maybe his then when the baby was 4 and him had a lil i didn't let his mom see the baby 2 take him 2 see his dad at rehab..then they did a DNA test...they found out it was not his mom told him 2 forget about me or she will disown him so he still keep ed on talking and seeing me..and now 4 months later his almost getting out off rehab in 2 weeks ..he just told me sorry i don't think its going 2 work out...and i love very much..i cant believe his listening 2 i told him I'm very sorry it was a mistake he was in jail at that time..he said hes going 2 start all that he's clean..and see the real world .but i love him i don't know what to do((please help))everyone makes mistakes in this world i told him i learned...




  1. Wow.  So you cheated on him while he was in jail for drugs and had a baby with someone else?  And you think he should be okay with that?  That's a mighty big mistake to make (even though he apparently made some mistakes and ended up in jail...).

    He's been through a lot, getting out of rehab and is clean, so he's had time to think and as hard as it is, he has decided that you aren't right for each other.

    If you love him as much as you say, then let him go.  Truly loving someone means you want what's best for them, not what's best for you.  Yes, we all make mistakes, and he isn't perfect either.  But you don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you.

  2. you can't make people change their decisions. if they don't want to be with you they don't want to be with you. plus, i can see why he wouldn't want to be with you after you had some other guy's baby (aka cheating).

  3. First of all WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFE! I don't mean to be rude but HELLO, REHAB, JAIL? look, you love the guy now but in a year the feelings will fade do you really want your son or daughter to look up to someone whos been in jail and rehab? seriously you want a nice rich man who will love you and take care of you and you will live a normal life and not struggle with bills and such because your loser boyfriend that you " love " cant get a job cause of his past all he can do is sweap the streets and not make decent money cause of his messed up past.  Do you really want someone THAT screwed up in your life? get over it, find someone else.

  4. He's had enough of his own garbage to have to deal with and get past, and doesn't want to be dragged back into his old patterns by someone else's garbage as well. If you love him so much then do what is best for him and leave him alone so he can have a chance to better himself.

  5. Let him go. First you lied to him and you knew he might not have been your babies dad. You manipulated him and his mom. Second the guys been in jail and rehab. Your baby deserves more then that, and if you do love him you would leave him alone. Your relationship is over, your only bringing drama into his life. So grow up and start taking care of yourself and YOUR BABY. Stop worrying about all these little boys and start getting your self on track. GO to SCHOOL and get an education so YOU can SUPPORT your child. Then when you have grown up you don't settle for a REHAB settle for a guy that knows how to treat a LADY. So BECOME that LADY for your child.

  6. still say ur realy sorry and eventualy itll work out that kinda happened to me

  7. His life will probably be better with out you in it. You sound like a mess!

  8. i don't even know where to begin. look. you have a kid. it doesn't matter who the father is, your first responsibility is to the kid. and being around a guy who's in and out of jail and rehab is bad for the kid. so here's what you do. take care of yourself and the kid. forget this guy. get a job. get your life together. if, in a year, your life has turned around and the guy is still clean, out of jail, and still interested, consider picking up where you left off. for now, forget the guy, forget his mom, stop being self centered, and do what's best for your kid.

  9. you must love him very much if you know he's been in jail and rehab. is he really worth it? if so, talk to his mom. tell her exactly what you said above. if it doesnt work, at least youll know you didnt go down without a fight.

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