
What could me and my boyfriend do this afternoon?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfirend is at college but is coming to mine during his lunch break he got like an hour before he willl need 2 leave my house were both 16 and have no idea what to do with our time what should we do any sugestions welcome




  1. What ever your little hearts desire.

                                  Have Fun.

  2. Depends on how far he lives from the college to your house... I'm sure you'll think of something ;)

  3. Rearrange your CDs.

    Instead of putting them in alphabetical order, arrange them so that the spines are in colour order and when you're finished it looks like a rainbow.

    Or you could have s*x.

  4. s*x  

  5. go somewhere... out :)

  6. it!

  7. I know what he's planning... just go with it.

  8. Cuddle. Pop to the shops for a nosey.  

  9. XD

    well. you could make cubby houses.

    umm... go camping in your backyard.

    ohhh... umm... read books... errr... sleep... umm...

    ehhh.................. EAT KEVIN JONAS.... ummm yeah cuddle....

    thats about it.

  10. Watch p**n together or make love with each other

  11. Hmmm, I wonder what would be fun for a teenage couple to do on lunch break?

    I do know actually and you could do it about five times. X

  12. F@ck like wild beasts.  See if you can get the neighbours to complain about the noise.

  13. Take some drugs and hang aroung the local park....maybe get some buckie as well...

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