
What could my RE prescribe me if i already ovulate on my own?

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my hubby and I have been TTC for going on 2 years I have seen my RE once and she said for us to try for 3 mor emonths naturally then to come see her again.. this is the 3rd month and we go back on 09-08. I know I ovulate already. So what else could she do for me?




  1. I'm actually shocked that an RE would send you off knowing you've been trying for 2 years with no luck.  I don't know anyone who's seen an RE that that has happened to.  Strange.

    Anyway, assuming your RE did all the usual fertility tests (CD3 bloodwork, ultrasounds, HSG, sperm analysis for your partner, and 7DPO progesterone test) then your RE would then put you on meds.  Depending on your history, you'll either do Clomid for 3-6 cycles and if no luck move on to injectables or go straight to injectables.  Depending on the results of the sperm analysis, your RE may or may not suggest you also do IUI (artificial insemination).

    If you have not had any fertility tests, your RE should test you before beginning any treatment.

    Good luck.

  2. Is your cervical fluid abundant and stretchy (like raw egg white) when you ovulate? the sperm need this fluid to travel to the egg

    are your tubes open?  is your uterus normal?  

    is your luteal phase long enough to support pregnancy? there should be 12, or preferably 14 days from the time you  ovulate to the time you menstruate.

    how are your hormones:  estradiol, estrogen, LH, progesterone?  are they in sufficient quantity?

    since HALF OF ALL FERTILITY PROBLEMS are the result of male factors, your husband should DEFINITELY be tested. does your  husband's s***n contain a good number of sperm and are they motile and lacking in defects?

    these are all important questions. if you have been TTC for 2 years, you and your  husband should be getting a complete battery of tests to try and figure out what's wrong.  go to a different RE who is more willing to help you.

    you can help yourself and get a lot of these answers for yourself by reading the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and by starting fertility charting. its easy. just buy a digital basal  body thermometer and start taking your temperature in the morning before you get out of bed. you can chart the results on Its free and you wil learn so much about your body and your fertility.

    good luck and baby dust

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