
What could of happened to my heater and filter? Please Read?

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I have a 10 gallon rectangular tank, with a heater and filter for my betta fish. I woke up to a storm. My heater wouldn't work or my filter. The red light on the heater did blink on when I first plug it up. The thermometer read 68 so I knew the heater wasn't working. I also was glued in front of the tank. I didn't see the light come back on. Also I called tech support to ask about the filter, I cleaned it like they said. I heard the motor turn on as I plugged it up. I guess I wasn't quick enough to put water in the back part. I then had water on hand and started pouring then plugged it in (Which I didn't have to do before). It works fine. I went out and bought another heater. What happened so I can prevent this?




  1. Well if you woke up to a storm, it was probably a power surge that ruined your heater. It turned off your filter, so your filter emptied all the water it had in it, and then turned back on and of course filters don't run well when they're dry. I would get a surge protector outlet or power strip.

  2. The only thing I could think of is a possible power surge. Did your power in the house go off during the storm then come back on? I just talked with a friend of mine who lost a few electronics due to a storm.

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