
What could people do to stop overpopulation problems?

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Im trying to find some ideas to present to these fund raisers at my school for earthday (tomorrow). Do you have any ideas or know what will work?




  1. some certain nationalities.. *cough cough* cant seem to get the idea of birth contraceptives and birth control... they just keep popping babies and living off welfare which is OUR tax money that we work our butts off for!

  2. condoms? dont have s*x or in other words Abstinent! thats the best way i personally think!

    just put big poster with Abstinent written on it and educate kids on what that word means.

  3. Move to another plant =D

  4. Actually the world has a problem of having kids they can't afford even in countries without a welfare system, so to say they only do it knowing the gov't will support them is illogical. Education is key. Teach them that having too many kids is a death sentence for them and their kids will do it. Anyone caught having s*x without 100K in the bank will go to prison for life.

  5. Educate women.

    As women become educated (and their status increases), it has been shown that birth rates drop.

    This is because  1.) women become aware of the ways you can become pregnant and the ways you can prevent it.  2.) being educated opens doors other than just being a babymaker (ie now that I'm educated I've got this job and I can't afford to put more than 2 kids in daycare) 3.) it gives women a sense of identity and equality so they can make their own decisions. This includes the choice to terminate a pregnancy (the ability to vote for this right), and the ability to consider themselves equal to men in decision-making processes: ie No, I don't want to have s*x right now because we are out of condoms.

    education gives women a say in the matter.

    Just to be clear, I am not out to paint men as wanting to keep women down....more educated men also make more educated decisions...but the women have to be just as educated as the men for this to work.

  6. This is a funny topic because some people claim that the world is overpopulated while others claim that it isn't overpopulated and that it seems overpopulated because food distributers are stock piling food causing many people in the world to go hungry and some to die.  I belong to the second camp.  In Georgia there is a monument set up called the Georgia Guide Stones.  It looks a bit like Stone Henge and has engraved into it the Humanist Manifesto.  One of the beliefs of the Humanist Manifesto is that the world is over populated and that the current population which is 6 Billion ish needs to be reduced to half a million to sustain Human and animal life.  To achieve this goal 5/6 of the worlds population would have to die.  Sorry to state this but there is no nice way to lower the worlds population.  There are many unpleasant ways to achieve this goal but they are all evil n**i'ish c**p.

    Poisoning,  Releasing harmful bacteria's and virus's, War, allowing people to starve to death, forcing laws that limit peoples rights to reproduce, sterilization, euthanasia, abortion, destruction of the old, disabled and people on financial assistance.

    I don't believe that the world is overpopulated and think that we should just distribute the food.  

    check out the Georgia Guide Stone and come to your own conclusion.

  7. Nt sure but mebe try convince the poor (esp in Africa) that having more children means more money they have 2 spend...wel they think that havn more children will give them more wealth coz they wil have more workn and this wil mean they can also look after them in old age but they dnt think that more children means more money 2 be spent dis =no education for children and this will = more poverty

  8. Find and support an organization that supports family planning in the undeveloped world.  Find and fund programs that educate women in the developing world - the statistics indicate that the higher a woman's education level the less children they have.

  9. genocide is the only way to stop overpopulation

  10. Choose to pay their own med bills instead of running to the welfare office.

  11. i also agree with abstinence.

  12. The Earth does a good job of that. It ranges from diseases, viruses, tidal waves, cosmic crashes like a mile wide meteors, vocanic erruptions, weather disasters. The planet Earth is several millions of years old. It hasn't experienced a major shakeup in thousands of years. One is due most anytime. Hang on for the ride of your life. What will be the next population destroying event? I doubt if its man made.  Get ready. Maybe the sun will blast us with gamma rays. Its happened several times in the past and wiped everything out on the planets surface.

  13. Stop scientists discovering cures for diseases, nature will do the rest.

  14. my geography teacher thinks the world is underpopulated. seriously, he was practically screaming it. It was kinda scary actually.

  15. For a serious problem, it turns out that there are only 2 solutions: decrease the birth rate or increase the death rate.

    What sounds better to you?

  16. abstinence

  17. Yeah, don't have more than two kids and better to only have one!  What else is there, you got someone in mind to start killing off????

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