
What could replace the Tornado?

by Guest34051  |  earlier

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I am referring to the GR4/A.

Nothing in operation today or thats planned has its low level, all weather precision strike capability, not even the Typhoon can compare.

In terms of modern airpower, we dont need air superiority fighters, we need mud movers.

Just wondered if anyone is thinking ahead. Its going to take years to come up with something to match the GR4.




  1. The Eurofighter Typhoon already is replacing the tornado

  2. The typhoon is already doing the job, i hope the RAF wouldnt be so stupid as to buy another US built aircraft (F111 anyone) the whole reason we have tornado is because the F111 was a load of c**p

  3. jsf raptor in 2021

  4. Lets have a real bomber, how about some new Vulcans.

  5. It depends on which variant of the Tornado you are referring to. The air superiority version (the F3) is indeed obselete and is gradually being phased out in favour of the Typhoon.

    The ground attack variant (GR4) has undergone various upgrades and still remains one of the most effective weapon delivery platforms on the market. Even the USAF doesnt have anything in its inventory that comes close to matching the GR4's suppression of enemy air defence capability.

    The GR4 is not yet planned for replacement, however Typhoons converted to ground attack roles and the F35 Lightning II are the most likely candidates to take over once it's decided that the GR4s are obselete.

  6. Top answer from Woody

  7. Super Hornet

  8. JSF or the new Typhoon

  9. Whaever it is it won't be British as too many successive governments have destroyed British aviation.

  10. the eurofighter

  11. Theoretically Hurricanes.

  12. F-35

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